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Paediatric urology: what you need to know for FRCS (Urol)

Lianne Pickett, Urology ST5 at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), and Ms Neetu Kumar, Consultant Paediatric Urological Surgeon at GOSH, provide expert insights into the key aspects of paediatric urology. Curriculum Paediatric urology contributes one of the eight stations of...

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Neuroendocrine bladder tumour

A 75-year-old male with a history of prostate adenocarcinoma (T3b/T4 N1 M1b, Gleason 4+3) on Zoladex® and enzalutamide, presented with visible haematuria. His prostate specific antigen (PSA) had decreased from 43.6ug/L in December 2022 to 0.02ug/L. He also had a...

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Joaquín Albarrán (1860–1912), the gifted promise

In this series of articles, I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website (www.baus.org.uk). Does the name Joaquín Albarrán mean anything to you? Maybe you remember using...

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Can dogs smell prostate cancer?

For centuries we have known that man’s best friend has an exceptional sense of smell. ‘Sniffer’ dogs are found in a wide range of roles, including drug and explosive detection as part of airport security, helping emergency services locate survivors...

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Virtual reality: a novel approach to pain management during ESWL

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a well-established treatment for kidney and ureteric stone disease, employing high-energy shock waves to fragment stones into smaller pieces for passage through the urinary tract. This article explores the application of virtual reality (VR)...

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Prostate cancer series: diagnostics 2

- Click here for Part 1 - A 68-year-old male was referred to the two-week wait prostatic clinic with a serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) of 17. He had no bothersome lower urinary tract symptoms, relevant past medical history or...

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