Editor – Urology News

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Rare and Complex Urology

Diseases that are rare or of low prevalence pose challenges to provision of high-quality care because of limited available knowledge and sparse good-quality evidence regarding uncommon presentations, mechanisms of disease, and optimal treatments. Approximately 80% of rare diseases are of...

Pain relief after removal of non-obstructive renal calculi

Non-obstructing stones are often not considered to be the source of pain, and probably most are not. This is because flank pain associated with a stone is typically caused by a stone that obstructs urinary flow, which increases intraluminal pressure...

Can transcutaneous peroneal nerve stimulation treat OAB?

The peroneal nerve follows sacral, pudendal, and tibial nerves as a target for overactive bladder (OAB) treatment. This multicentre prospective randomised RCT compared a transcutaneous electrical neuromodulation system (eTNM) at-home treatment once daily for 30 minutes to solifenacin 5mg once...