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Evaluation of a web-based eHealth programme for children with urinary incontinence: eADVICE Trial
Long waiting times for specialist urology outpatient clinics for children are frustrating for both parents and health practitioners. Delays may result in a deterioration in health and quality of life. Electronic Advice and Diagnosis Via the Internet following Computerized Evaluation...
Long term outcomes of primary ureterovesicostomy for the primary obstructive megaureter
Primary obstructive megaureter is dilatation of the ureter secondary to narrowing at the vesicoureteric junction (VUJ). Many (80%) require no intervention, however, a select number do for worsening hydroureteronephrosis, decreasing renal function, prolonged drainage time, recurrent urinary tract infections or...
Can you boost your bladder with vitamin D?
Bladder overactivity is a common problem affecting the social functioning of children. Overactive bladder dry (OAB-dry) is a term (one not utilised by the International Children’s Continence Society) and refers to patients who are experiencing frequency, urgency and nocturia symptoms...