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Children with neurogenic bladders are at risk of renal compromise through high detrusor pressures. Management aims to provide continence and preserve the upper tracts by increasing capacity and compliance though early clean intermittent catheterisation and anticholinergics. Intradetrusor botulinum toxin has...
Psychosocial distress in parents of children with DSD
Disorders of sex development (DSD) are a rare set of medical conditions with prevalence rates ranging between 1:00 to 1:5000 births. Secondary atypical genitalia is seen in a subset. Psychosocial aspects have until recently been understudied. We know that some...
Prenatal spina bifida repair – does it have urological benefits in the longer term?
At present, I have one patient under my care who underwent prenatal closure of his spina bifida defect. Only with time, will we be able to determine whether this intervention has been of benefit for him from a urological standpoint....