Viale Scarampo, Gate 5
20149 Milan
The 38th Annual Congress is being held in Italy’s fashion capital, Milan, after previous successful editions there in 2008 and most recently in 2013. EAU23, to be held on 10-13 March, 2023 also marks a return to a spring congress after three consecutive summer editions.
The four-day scientific programme includes live surgery, state-of-the-art lectures, case discussions and debates. Thousands of abstracts are submitted each year by emerging scientists and the EAU offers hundreds of them a chance to present their research. The Annual Congress is also an opportunity for young urologists to attend educational courses by the European School of Urology, and to hone their surgical skills through a variety of hands-on-training workshops.
EAU23 will feature a vast Exhibition where pharmaceutical and technology companies can showcase their latest products. The conference will also include patient and nursing speakers within the programme, emphasising the multidisciplinary nature of urology.
EAU23 in Milan will be a triumph for urological healthcare.