Event Details
Date: 1 September 2019 - 30 September 2019

Location name: United Kingdom

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Urology Awareness Month – The Ripple Effect
By Sayara Muthuveloe, Communications Manager, The Urology Foundation.

“It’s Urology Awareness Month” I announced loudly one September evening. “How’s your pee lately?” my bemused husband was asked, as I began my very own urology health TED Talk in the kitchen.

When The Urology Foundation (TUF) started Urology Awareness Month we wanted the unspeakable to become speakable. Perhaps not over the dinner table, but enough to remove the stigma and breakdown the barriers that prevent a person from seeking medical attention at the first sign of trouble.

The month grew out of the realisation that if we wanted the public to take responsibility for their own urology health, if we wanted patients to seek help earlier for better outcomes, we needed to help them have a conversation. We needed to make them aware of what is normal and what is not, what signs and symptoms to look out for and to ensure that people do not suffer in silence. This remains the key principle for Urology Awareness Month six years on.

As part of the TUF campaign this year we ran a survey to discover the public’s knowledge and experience of urology disease, with a focus on the workforce. The survey showed that we are still reluctant to discuss urological problems which in turn means that many may not be receiving support from their employer.

Sixty-four percent of our respondents said they would feel uncomfortable talking to a manager / supervisor about a urological problem. Following the results of our survey The Urology Foundation held a radio day where broadcasters across the country, including the BBC and Sky, spoke with TUF Chief Executive, Louise de Winter, to find out more about urology disease.

As well as activity led by The Urology Foundation, others supported the month through various activities aimed and raising public awareness. This included:

  • Information on urological cancers and conditions taking over notice boards in GP waiting rooms and pharmacy windows.
  • Urology departments celebrating their successes and showcasing members of their team.
  • A UAM challenge on social media where those living with a urological condition posted a photo each day of their reality.
  • Workplace urology health talks and fundraising events.
  • Urology health supplement in a national newspaper.

Over the years The Urology Foundation has been excited to see the organic growth of the month as more people have got involved to raise awareness of all urological disease. We are making plans to build on this momentum for Urology Awareness Month 2020 with the aim of reaching more people across the UK.

If you or your place of work would like to take part next year please contact the TUF team on info@theurologyfoundation.org.