Our bladder scanners deliver innovation and quality with tangible benefits to clinicians and patients and unprecedented value to the NHS. Available from the NHS Supply Chain, the NHS Shared Business Services, the NHS National Services Scotland and directly.

Fully automated BBS Revolution™ with wireless probe and 8 ultrasound transducers is accurate, fast and easy to use. Quintessential in busiest hospitals, BBS Revolution™ locates bladder, detects male/female anatomy and self-calibrates, reducing downtime and total cost of ownership. Comprehensive warranty ensures peace of mind. CE 0120.

AvantSonic Z3 & Z5 are real-time 3D automatic bladder scanners with 2 treatment modes, colour touch screens, smart probe positioning systems and integrated printers. Fast, accurate, easy to use and not in need of annual calibration, AvantSonic Z5 serves well in hospitals and clinics, whilst portable AvantSonic Z3 is preferred in community care. Comprehensive warranties guarantee long-term protection. CE 0482.


Win Health Medical Ltd
T: +44(0)1835 864866
F: +44 (0)1835 268136
E: info@win-health.com

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