Bladder Scanners from Win Health Medical

Our bladder scanners deliver innovation and quality with tangible benefits to clinicians and patients and unprecedented value to the NHS.

New senior appointments at The Urology Foundation

The Urology Foundation (TUF) has appointed Rebecca Porta as Chief Executive. An established and experienced charity Chief Executive, Rebecca brings a wealth of experience having held senior roles within some of the UK’s leading health and medical research charities.

An effective new solution for chronic pelvic pain patients

The Feel Free Programme is a safe, effective innovation which addresses the overwhelming caseload pressure on clinics because patients can start right now...

Minze Uroflow System

Minze Uroflow System with Bluetooth makes it possible for men, women and children with LUTs and bladder dysfunction to be assessed, diagnosed and monitored remotely in the comfort of their homes.

Announcing a new specialist distributor of medical devices for prostate cancer

Healthcare Supply Solutions are a new distributor focussed on medical devices for the diagnosis and management of Prostate Cancer.

AvantSonic Z5 & Z3 Bladder Scanners

Automatic, real-time 3D bladder scanners, the AvantSonic Z5 & Z3 measure bladder volume, displaying accurate measurements quickly and clearly on the colour touch screens.

BBS Revolution™ Bladder Scanner

BBS Revolution™ - the next generation bladder scanner delivering the goals of modern healthcare – better outcomes, lower costs, happier patients, and happier providers.

KOELIS Trinity® - Accuracy in prostate care

KOELIS Trinity® is a fully integrated mobile fusion imaging platform designed for personalised prostate care. Uniquely equipped with 3D ultrasound probes and KOELIS® patented Organ-Based Tracking Fusion® technology, KOELIS Trinity® brings maximum...

Tackling waiting lists with MediHire

Laser rental specialists MediHire enjoyed a busy two days at the recent BAUS Endourology exhibition, with surgeons interested...

AvantSonic Z5 & Z3 Bladder Scanners

Automatic, real-time 3D bladder scanners, the AvantSonic Z5 & Z3 measure bladder volume, displaying accurate measurements quickly and clearly on...

BBS Revolution™ Bladder Scanner

BBS Revolution™ - the next generation bladder scanner delivering the goals of modern healthcare – better outcomes, lower costs, happier patients, and...

Opening up about incontinence

This year, the EAU’s Urology Week is shining the spotlight on incontinence because it is still a taboo subject, with many people struggling to talk to a health professional, partner or even a friend about it.