FLOW-CLEAN - Flushable Uroflow Toilet

The natural solution for hygienic flow measurement.
A Flow-Clean Uroflow toilet is much more pleasant for patients and nurses.
- Reduced risk of contamination
- Simple time-saving procedure
- Stable natural posture
- Hidden built-in sensors
- Realtime curves of the flow displayed on a computer
- Automatic flushing, even faeces and toilet paper
- Compact set-up
Interfacing with EMR systems.
Minze Uroflow System

Homeflow/Hospiflow Uroflowmeters enable remote monitoring of patients with LUTS on any toilet. Diary Pod Automated Bladder Diary collects real-time voiding data, whilst Flow App gathers relevant information (fluid intake, frequency, urge, leakages) over time. Treatment is monitored/compared to objective data. Users receive insights into symptoms with personalised lifestyle advice.
Available from NHS Shared Business Services and directly.
PicoFlow 2 Uroflowmeter

A double-channel uroflowmeter for Uroflowmetry and Electromyography examinations of the Pelvic Floor. It is especially designed for urodynamic examinations in paediatric and gynaecology departments
- Large graphic touch-screen display
- Two channels: 1 uroflow (wireless/ cable), optional EMG
- Automatic or manual start
- Built-in thermal printer
- On-line printing of the traces and result after the analysis
- High precision Flow transducer.
PICOSMART - The Smart Urodynamics Solution

PICOSMART has an advanced acquisition unit that offers new advanced capabilities.
Wired or wireless uroflowmeter. The pressure channels are compatible with external transducer for water perfused catheters and solid-state catheters.
- Video-urodynamics to combine x-ray or ultrasound images and short movies with the urodynamic tracings.
- Biofeedback
- Oesophageal and anorectal motility
- Cavernosometry
- Voice operation
- Neurophysiology and EMG
SmartFlow Urine Flowmeter

SmartFlow brings together high specifications and ease-of-use. Advanced features bring benefits to both staff and patient:
- Wireless transmission link - Range up to 30 metres
- User friendly touch-screen graphical LCD, with real-time study display
- Recorder memory - last 4 studies may be re-printed
- Also available, SmartScale – wireless scale direct to PC
- Full automatic
- Hygienic