The appeal of this text will I suspect be limited to only a few from the urological fraternity – inevitably those with interests in uro-gynaecology and reconstructive surgery. The text deals with the basics of anorectal physiology as well as the effect of pregnancy on the pelvic floor in a refreshingly uncomplicated fashion.

Subsequent chapters detail with some assuredness the varying types of pelvic floor injury as well as their assessment (an area which is not necessarily covered in any detail in standard urological curriculums). The chapter on childbirth and lower urinary tract complications is arguably the closest this book comes to being relevant to the practising urologist (urethral sphincter injury, ureteric trauma, fistulae and caesarean section related bladder injury) but is not covered in enough detail to suitably inform those who might infrequently be called to deal with the aftermath of such problems.

I certainly did not feel any more reassured in either the assessment or management of such scenarios after reading the book. Aspects relating to obstetric fistulae and pelvic organ prolapse were presented in a standard fashion but with little further details on their practical management. The book is not without its merit – it’s just that it will have a limited appeal to the practising urologist and is perhaps not the best investment in time for someone who is preparing for exams.

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Tim Lane

East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust.

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