This is very much a reference text. Comprehensive, authoritative and up-to-date. It deals with every aspect of incontinence from cell biology to clinical examination and from clinical management pathways to the economics of urinary and faecal incontinence.

The text is essentially a collection of committee statements in respect of a wide range of topics relating to incontinence. In this respect it serves its primary purpose well and justifies its inclusion into any urological library. However, there is little to entice the casual reader or one who is looking for an integrated approach to the management of urinary incontinence.

I am not sure those preparing for exams will consult this rather turgid text and instead may well identify those more integrated publications which link more seamlessly the basic science and clinical aspects of management. This book deserves its place in the reference section of any library – I’m just not sure I’d keep a copy of it at home.

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Tim Lane

East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust.

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