This rather modest looking paperback actually punches well beyond its humble appearance. There are of course the predictable sub-sections appropriate to any prostate cancer text – but that said this relatively small-volume affair (compared to some of the Goliaths out there) actually forces the authors to be refreshingly succinct.

Whether you agree with their conclusions or not (and there is nothing particularly controversial here) it does provide for a well-balanced and evidenced-based approach to management. There is a significant contribution by UK authors (and as a result has provides a more comfortable and familiar feel to the subject). Chapters concerning screening nicely encapsulate the significantly different focus agreed upon on either side of the Atlantic.

There are particularly strong chapters on imaging and surveillance and a very strong section on counselling patients (including physician recommendation bias). Radical treatment options are well discussed as are management options for those with metastatic disease (and there is a more contemporary feel to this aspect of management). I would certainly recommend the radiation treatment chapter to all surgeons who have struggled in the past to understand the finer details of radiation biology as very worthy of their free time. 

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Tim Lane

East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust.

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