Testosterone supplementation after prostatectomy – journey from bad to good

The role of androgens in the pathogenesis of prostate cancer is quite complex and is not entirely clear yet. Despite several reports suggesting testosterone use is safe in patients diagnosed with prostate cancer, many clinicians are still reluctant to use...

Trade-offs between risks and benefits of localised prostate cancer treatments – the COMPARE study

We know little about the trade-offs men make when considering the oncological and functional outcomes of individual treatment options for localised prostate cancer, and decisions are often influenced by physician opinion. The likely compromised functional results are viewed as a...

COVID-19: cancer and corticosteroids

Under the prevailing COVID-19 crisis, this article is well worth reading. The current World Health Organization (WHO) guidance is not to start steroids in cancer cases, but there is no clear evidence of risks with steroids in cancer patients having...

Ulcerative colitis has a positive association with prostate cancer risk

This large-scale meta-analysis, incorporating studies from several population-based studies, evaluated the association between inflammatory bowel disease (IBC) and prostate cancer (Pca). Emerging evidence has suggested that IBD is a risk factor for extra-intestinal malignancies which may be due to an...

One cycle of adjuvant chemotherapy in tumours of the testis

Following a radical orchiectomy, current UK practice for newly diagnosed, high-risk, stage 1 nonseminomatous or combined germ cell tumours of the testis (NSCGCTT) is either two cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposide, cisplatin (BE360Px2) or surveillance with BE500Px3 on...

Advanced prostate cancer and chemotherapy

The treatment pathway for advanced prostate cancer is both puzzling and complex and varies from centre to centre in the UK. The National Prostate Cancer Audit Report 2019 for England and Wales shows that only a quarter of men with...

Non-urothelial tumours of bladder – impact on oncological outcomes

Non-urothelial bladder tumours are not very common and they are generally considered to be high risk tumours when compared to standard urothelial tumours. In this study the researchers analysed the oncological outcomes of patients with such histology in comparison to...

Prostate cancer and an electronic nose

So far the transrectal ultrasound guided (TRUS) biopsy has been the ‘gold standard’ for diagnosing prostate cancer. However, it is invasive and can lead to complications, so there is a need for new non-invasive diagnostic tools to avoid unnecessary biopsy...

Evidence-based treatment of MCDK: a systematic review

The authors of this systematic review have not only aimed to establish the incidence of hypertension associated with a multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) but have also tried to determine the malignancy risk associated with an MCDK and assess the rate...

Beware of the ambiguous testicular lump

In busy day-to-day practice, we are often faced with puzzling situations. A useful mnemonic is 4-T: torsion, trauma, tumour and tuberculosis (infections). This case review in the BMJ is about a 34-year-old man presenting to A&E with left testicular pain...

Patterns of relapse and implications for post-nephrectomy surveillance in patients with high-risk NCC-RCC

The natural history of non-clear cell renal cell carcinoma (NCC-RCC) post-nephrectomy with curative intent remains poorly defined. The surveillance protocols are largely dependent on guidelines followed for clear cell RCC (CC-RCC). In this study, the authors evaluated the relapse patterns...

Incidence and risk factors of suicide after a prostate cancer diagnosis

This is an observational study looking at 1,281,393 men diagnosed with prostate cancer and 842,294 matched prostate cancer-free men. There was an overall increased relative risk of suicide of 2.01 in men diagnosed with prostate cancer compared to those without,...