There are a number of new treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) on the market. This paper reports retrospective data for 129 patients treated with convective radiofrequency water vapour thermal therapy (Rezum) by a single surgeon. There is variable length of follow-up ranging from 4-12 months. Some patients were fitted with a urethral catheter postoperatively while others were fitted with a prostatic stent known as a ‘Spanner’. The latter was removed two to five weeks later. Maximal benefit was noted at 91-180 days follow-up. International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) improved from a baseline of 18.3 to 6.9 and Qmax from 10.5 to 16.8. The most common adverse events were urinary tract infection (UTI) (17%) or temporary urinary retention (14%). Ninety percent of patients came off their BPH medication and 86% stated that they were willing to recommend the procedure to a friend. The authors suggest that this is a reasonable minimally invasive option for those seeking a moderate improvement in their symptoms and flow, with the results being independent of prostate size or median lobe. There did not seem to be any patients who had a long-term catheter prior to surgery in this study.

Convective radiofrequency water vapour thermal therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia: a single office experience.
Mollengarden D, Goldberg K, Wong D, Roehrborn C.
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Pravisha Ravindra

University Hospitals Leicester NHS Trust.

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