This study aims to explore the potential link between reflux oesophagitis (RE) and interstitial cystitis / bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS). IC/BPS is a chronic disease which is difficult to diagnose and treat. Two percent of the population may be affected. Various aetiological factors are: inflammatory, allergic, neuropathic, etc. This study is the first of its kind to report an association between RE and IC/BPS. The study identified 8962 patients with RE. Each patient was tracked for three years to identify those who subsequently got a diagnosis of IC/BPS. RE patients are 1.4 times more prone to develop IC/BPS. It is a wide ranging study from various institutions in Taiwan and there is therefore no selection bias from a single hospital. However, there are several inefficiencies in this study such as:
1) Diagnostic validity of medical-registry databases.
2) Ascertainment bias.
3) Severity of RE cannot be correlated to IC.
4) Short follow-up of three years.
Further studies will be required to establish pathological mechanisms in RE cases which go on to develop IC/BPS.