You searched for "registrars"

474 results found

The life of a urology trainee in Singapore

Despite the political and cultural differences between the United Kingdom and Singapore, the quality and nature of the medical training systems remain uniquely similar. It will come as no surprise to those of you who have either worked in Singapore...

London NeuroUrology Course

This is a very popular 3-day course primarily for Urology Registrars in training preparing for the FRCS(Urol) Examination, but would also be of interest to senior trainees and Consultants developing and maintaining their sub-specialist interest in Neuto-Urology. The course will consist of interactive lectures from an invited faculty and case-based discussions in small groups, facilitated by a multidisciplinary team who are leaders in the field. The course aims to cover bladder, bowel and sexual dysfunction in context of all types of neurological disease, in readiness for the FRCS (Urol) and "real-life" best practice.

COVID-19: the impact on a junior registrar

Prior to the coronavirus pandemic I was a trust grade junior registrar, using this year at a district general hospital to gain experience, skills and portfolio points for round two of National Selection. My urology registrar on-call duties would consist...

European Urology Residents Education Programme (EUREP)

The EAU’s 12th European Urology Residents Education Programme (EUREP) was held from 5-10 September 2014. We were fortunate to attend as part of a small contingent of UK urology registrars who had applied and been selected to attend. The programme...

Secondary bladder cancer following upper tract urothelial cancer

Upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC) comprises <5% of all urothelial cancers. A certain proportion of patients with UTUC will develop secondary bladder urothelial cancer (BUC). This paper has retrospectively examined records obtained from several cancer USA population-based registries of more...

SURG and BAUS: United Strength is Stronger

Tuesday 26 June 2018, SURG Session, BAUS Annual Conference, Liverpool After a busy day of posters, keynote speakers, e-poster sessions and a resounding victory for the SURG team over the consultants in Urology University Challenge, came the SURG meeting. An...

Call for standardised reporting of adverse events

This article will be of immense benefit to all of us involved in mortality and morbidity meetings and Clinical Governance, especially registrars and junior members of the team. The authors present data from the UK, USA and Europe. In prostate...

Performance status may alter outcomes in those treated with abiraterone

The drug therapies available for those with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer have increased over the past few years. Abiraterone, a CYP17 inhibitor, has been proven effective in phase three trials, however those with poor performance status were largely under-represented in...

Movember launches world’s largest cancer real world evidence network

Movember has launched the world’s largest prostate cancer and testicular clinical and research network, aimed at improving the overall survival and quality of life for those living with diseases that affect over 1.4 million men worldwide every year. The leading...

In conversation with Mary Garthwaite

We were delighted to chat with Mary Garthwaite, former Consultant Urological Surgeon and Chair of The Urology Foundation, the UK’s only charity representing all urological cancers and conditions. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into...

A ‘survival guide’ to an ST3 year in urology

Following success in national selection, it soon dawns on the successful candidate that entry into higher surgical training (HST) requires more than a little clinical knowledge. The role requires administrative and organisational skills not hitherto called upon. This additional skill...

A Core Trainee’s Guide to Preparing for a Career in Urology

National Selection pits the best of the UK’s core surgical trainees (sorry – that includes EEC countries as well) against each other in a process that determines who is allowed to proceed into higher surgical training. For the successful, it...