You searched for "Pelvic"

233 results found

Infections and inflammation: Part 2

See also Part 1 and Part 3. Case 1 A 43-year-old lady presented to the urologist with a history of pain during bladder filling and associated frequency / urgency. She underwent standard microbiological and radiological investigations that are normal. She...

iMEDicare's fundraiser for Disabled Living/Bladder and Bowel UK

Team iMEDicare Execs will climb the tallest mountain in Poland (Mount Rysy in the Tatra Mountains – 8,199 feet/2,499 metres), on the 27th of August 2023.

ICS 2019 Standards (two-volume set)

The highly anticipated fully updated 2019 edition of the International Continence Society (ICS) Standards is a comprehensive ‘book’ that compiles peer-reviewed documents into one easily accessible area of 935 pages. It has taken the joint effort and expertise of over...

Long-term complications of bulking agents in the treatment of SUI

Incontinence poses a substantial economic burden on the UK’s NHS, estimated at £536 million in 1999/2000, equivalent to approximately 1.1% of the total NHS spend, for both men and women. Over two decades later, this cost is expected to have...

Children with neuropsychiatric developmental disorders respond less well when treated for bladder bowel dysfunction

Bladder and bowel dysfunction (BBD) is a spectrum of lower urinary tract symptoms and voiding dysfunction accompanied by functional constipation and / or encopresis and may represent up to 47% of paediatric urology consultations. The BBD cycle pattern begins when...

Urethral pain syndrome – is there a light at the end of the tunnel?

Urethral pain syndrome (UPS) is defined in the 2014 EAU Guidelines as the occurrence of chronic or recurrent episodic pain perceived in the urethra, in the absence of proven infection or other obvious local pathology. UPS is often associated with...

The Lister Royal College of Surgeons of England / BAUS Accredited Robotic Urological Fellowship Programme

Robotic fellowship training in the UK – overview Robotic surgery has increased in popularity since its introduction in 2003. Its validation in a growing number of operative procedures has increased its acceptance nationwide and its usage is becoming widespread. Initial...

Pain relief after removal of non-obstructive renal calculi

Non-obstructing stones are often not considered to be the source of pain, and probably most are not. This is because flank pain associated with a stone is typically caused by a stone that obstructs urinary flow, which increases intraluminal pressure...

Patterns of relapse and implications for post-nephrectomy surveillance in patients with high-risk NCC-RCC

The natural history of non-clear cell renal cell carcinoma (NCC-RCC) post-nephrectomy with curative intent remains poorly defined. The surveillance protocols are largely dependent on guidelines followed for clear cell RCC (CC-RCC). In this study, the authors evaluated the relapse patterns...

Upper pole access is safe and effective for paediatric percutaneous nephrolithotomy

Upper pole access for percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) provides a straight access tract to the ureter with easier placement of a guidewire, good exposure of the pelvis and upper ureter, and comfortable manipulations for the treatment of staghorn, large upper caliceal,...

Stepwise voltage ramping causes less renal haematomas than fixed maximal voltage ESWL

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) remains the recommended first line treatment for stones <2cm in the renal pelvis and upper or mid-pole calyces (Türk C, Knoll T, Petrik A, et al. European Association of Urology Guidelines on Urolithiasis. 2014). There...

Long term outcomes of primary ureterovesicostomy for the primary obstructive megaureter

Primary obstructive megaureter is dilatation of the ureter secondary to narrowing at the vesicoureteric junction (VUJ). Many (80%) require no intervention, however, a select number do for worsening hydroureteronephrosis, decreasing renal function, prolonged drainage time, recurrent urinary tract infections or...