You searched for "surgical"

533 results found

PREDICT Prostate – individualised, evidence-based estimates of survival and treatment benefit

Earlier this year ‘PREDICT Prostate’ was launched online alongside a high-profile publication in PLOS Medicine. The prognostic model and decision-aid has been designed to inform treatment decision-making among men newly diagnosed with non-metastatic prostate cancer. David Thurtle and Vincent Gnanapragasam...

Treatment of varicocele in children and adolescents

Varicocele occur in about 15% of all adolescents. These authors searched Medline, Embase and a number of platforms reporting on varicoses in children and adolescents, including only randomised controlled trials with patients under 21 years. After an initial 198 studies...

Predictors of vaginal mesh exposure after mid-urethral sling placement

Vaginal mesh exposure following mid-urethral sling (MUS) insertion can be a difficult complication to treat. The aim of this study was to identify possible risk factors in patients who had unfortunately developed vaginal mesh exposure following MUS surgery. This was...

Should maximal urethral closure pressure be performed before mid-urethral sling surgery for stress incontinence?

Maximum urethral closure pressure (MUCP) is a means of trying to provide an objective assessment of urethral integrity. In some centres it is used as a tool to help predict outcomes after mid-urethral sling (MUS) placement. The authors propose that...

Robot assisted radical prostatectomy – could it be gold standard?

Prostate cancer (PCa) is still the second leading cause of cancer-related death in men in the United States. Most of the PCa are organ confined at the time of diagnosis. To watch (observation / active surveillance) or fry (radiotherapy) or...

Post prostatectomy outcomes of patients with high-risk prostate cancer treated with neoadjuvant androgen blockade

This is an interesting paper reporting on the use of neoadjuvant androgen blockage in patients with high-risk prostate cancer undergoing radical prostatectomy. Previous work in the literature has shown an improvement in the rate of organ-confined disease and decreased positive...

Ipsilateral ureteroureterostomy: does function of the obstructed moiety matter?

Upper pole nephrectomy has been the traditional surgical management of children with poorly functioning upper pole moieties in duplex renal collecting systems having ureteral ectopia and ureterocele. However, ablative surgery confers a risk of functional loss to the remnant moiety...

Prodromal period of Fournier’s gangrene

Necrotising soft tissue infections of the genitalia (NSTIG), commonly known as Fournier’s gangrene, is a rare but important surgical emergency associated with significant morbidity and mortality. It is estimated that every six hours of delay in surgical debridement leads to...

Urological trauma – part 1

Part 2 of this topic is available here. Case 1 A 45-year-old male presented with acute onset abdominal pain following a fall whilst out drinking. A CT cystogram was arranged as he developed haematuria and acute renal impairment. 1. What...

RALPN (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy) Ultrasound Course

Course Directors: Mr Omer Karim, Consultant UrologistMr Lemke Solomon, Consultant Urologist This unique one-day training course combines live surgery robotic-assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy (RALPN) procedures with intraoperative ultrasound imaging. Aimed at consultants wishing to develop their expertise and improve surgical...

An update on robotic surgery in urology

The early adoption of new technology has long been a trademark of urological surgeons. Like the introduction of the cystoscope, lasers and flexible endoscopy, the field of urology has witnessed a revolutionary transformation with the advent of robotic surgery. Robotic-assisted...

Endourology Academy – a modern-day solution to modern-day training

In 2021, as a core trainee in urology, I found myself facing challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic, which led to limited theatre times for surgical exposure. Trying to grasp the basics of surgery with such restricted operative experience was...