You searched for "PSA"

223 results found

Delivering a trainee-led Urolink educational programme – my experience in Tanzania

In May 2023, I travelled to Moshi, Tanzania, where I visited Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) – a trip which was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) Urolink and with the support...

Testing radical prostatectomy in men with prostate cancer and oligometastases to the bone: a randomised controlled feasibility study

Prostate cancer is the commonest cancer and the second most frequent cause of cancer death in Western men [1]. The recent STAMPEDE data suggests a median survival of just 42.1 months in the control arm of metastatic men [2]. Current...

Guide to gaining approval for a clinical study

This article focuses on gaining approval for clinical research involving NHS patients, although the principles can be applied to other types of research. It can be quite a daunting process for the uninitiated applicant. Often it can be made less...

Surgical risk prediction

Patients presenting for urological surgery range from the young and fit to the elderly with multiple, and often significant, coexistent diseases. This latter cohort can present a significant challenge in the perioperative period, sometimes irrespective of the type of surgery....

Burnout: an increasing problem in urology

“What we mean, man,” said Chuck forcefully, “is this: how can we care for patients if nobody cares for us?” – Samuel Shem, The House of God, 1978. Samuel Shem’s (Steven Bergman, MD) satirical novel The House of God, has...

ICS updates in continence care: a personal perspective on the role of basic science in urology

At a urology research meeting in Sheffield a few years ago, a former post doctorate researcher in urology, Mathieu Boudes, said: “Stop calling it basic research, there is nothing basic about it. It is fundamental research to everything urologists do.”...

Challenges of upper tract urothelial carcinoma

Upper tract uroepithelial carcinoma (UTUC) is a fairly common disease which traditionally had poorer outcomes compared to bladder cancer. This is due to various factors leading to delayed diagnosis and problems in risk stratification. Continuing efforts have focused on early...

An algorithm for the management of haemorrhagic cystitis

Haemorrhagic cystitis (HC) can be one of the most difficult conditions to treat in urological practice. It is characterised by intractable bleeding from the bladder and may be acute or chronic. The most frequently reported causal factors are radiotherapy (RT)...

Frequency-volume chart apps for nocturia: keeping urologists up at night

Background Nocturia is a bothersome symptom and the leading cause of disturbed sleep in adults. It is extremely common, with 55% of men and 60% of women aged 50 waking at least once in the night, with a further 20%...

Call for standardised reporting of adverse events

This article will be of immense benefit to all of us involved in mortality and morbidity meetings and Clinical Governance, especially registrars and junior members of the team. The authors present data from the UK, USA and Europe. In prostate...

COVID-19: cancer and corticosteroids

Under the prevailing COVID-19 crisis, this article is well worth reading. The current World Health Organization (WHO) guidance is not to start steroids in cancer cases, but there is no clear evidence of risks with steroids in cancer patients having...

Electrical injury – all you need to know

The modern operating theatre presents a highly complex and busy environment with a huge variety of machines, devices and gadgets. This article from France will be of interest to urologists, nurses, anaesthetists and theatre managers alike. We all use electrical...