You searched for "women"

320 results found

Feeling like a fraud — imposter syndrome: what it is and what to do about it

Have you ever been plagued by feelings of incompetence despite evidence to the contrary, then this article is for you. Dr Dunay Schmulian provides insight into imposter syndrome and what to do about it. Excerpt 1 Consultant:That was excellent, and...

Lower pole vessels in children with PUJO: laparoscopic vascular hitch or dismembered pyeloplasty?

A crossing vessel accompanying pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction (PUJO) occurs in 25-50% of cases. The Hellstrom vascular hitch procedure was first described in 1951 and has regained popularity since 2003 in the era of laparoscopic surgery as it negates the need...

Catheters and incontinence after radical prostatectomy: Preparing (but not scaring) men

Every year about 6000 men in the UK undergo radical prostatectomy (RP) for treatment of prostate cancer [1]. Despite surgical advances, RP continues to be associated with significant side-effects including urinary incontinence (UI) [2]. Immediately following removal of the urinary...

Read all about it May/Jun 2021

Read all about it... It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking...

Read all about it Jul/Aug 2021

Read all about it... It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking...

Demanding cases or nightmares in endourology? May/Jun 2016

In the third article in this series the authors describe their experience with the very rare indications for laparoscopic stone surgery. Case 1 A 44-year-old woman presented with several months of malaise and right flank pain. A CT scan demonstrated...

Demanding cases or nightmares in endourology? Nov/Dec 2017

Case 1 A 78-year-old male was transferred from a referring hospital. He had a cystectomy and ileal conduit performed 15 years previously and had recently been admitted with a clinical diagnosis of an infected obstructed kidney. The referring hospital had...

Retroperitoneal sepsis

Case 1 An 80-year-old woman presented with history of recurrent and recent cystitis, low grade pyrexia, abdominal and back pain, and pain on movement of the left hip which was observed to be flexed and externally rotated. What is the...

Read all about it Jan/Feb 2015

It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking about! So this section...

Covid-19, cancer, and other calamities

The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is upon us. The government and NHS are going full-steam ahead with their preparations for the onslaught, freeing up operating theatres, intensive care units, and even private hospital beds and staff, to accommodate the expected influx...

The transition from surgeon to manager during the COVID-19 response

Writing this article on the first Sunday in May, when in any other year, I would be wearing my bowler hat in Hyde Park for the annual Cavalry Memorial Parade, a time ‘pre-COVID’ does seem a very distant memory. Having...

BAUS Section of Trainees (BSoT)

7-9 March 2022 • Edinburgh, UK • Nicholas Boxall, Chair (Elect), BSoT, ST6 Urology, Health Education East of England; and Neil Harvey, BSoT Chair, ST7 Urological Surgery, North West Deanery. The BSoT conference kicked off on Monday 7 March with...