You searched for "Urinary"

558 results found

Urolithiasis – metabolic considerations

Case 1 A 32-year-old female patient is diagnosed with a ureteric calculus for the first-time. What type of metabolic evaluation investigations should be performed? When should stone analysis be repeated? What are the most common metabolic abnormalities associated with calcium...

The medical management of LUTS/BPH – an update

For many years it has been recognised by both medical professionals and the general public that the development of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) is highly prevalent and is predominantly age-dependent. Medical professionals understand that in men this is often,...

Intravesical glycosaminoglycan analogue instillations for recurrent cystitis

Introduction The symptoms of recurrent cystitis can be triggered by inflammatory or infective causes. Bladder pain syndrome (BPS) and bacterial recurrent lower urinary tract infection can both present with symptoms of recurrent cystitis and cause significant morbidity in affected individuals....

An algorithm for the management of haemorrhagic cystitis

Haemorrhagic cystitis (HC) can be one of the most difficult conditions to treat in urological practice. It is characterised by intractable bleeding from the bladder and may be acute or chronic. The most frequently reported causal factors are radiotherapy (RT)...

Bladder carcinoma MRI

Bladder malignancy is one of the commonest malignancies of the renal tract, accounting for approximately 6% of male malignancy and 2% of female malignancy. The incidence increases with patient age with 70% of patients being over the age of 65...

Botulinum toxin – from the sausage poison to urology

Botulinum toxin is the first biological toxin to be licensed for use in treating human disease and since its first therapeutic use in the early 1980s for strabismus has become widely used in the fields of ophthalmology, cosmetic surgery, migraine...

Pyonephrosis: is the kidney always doomed?

Pyonephrosis (Greek pyon ‘pus’ + nephros ‘kidney’) is defined in Campbell-Walsh Urology [1] as an infected hydro-nephrosis associated with suppurative destruction of the renal parenchyma which results in total or near total loss of renal function. The true incidence of...

Urologic complications of radiotherapy

Case 1 1. What machine is seen in the picture? 2. What is the standard dose schedule for radiotherapy for prostate cancer? 3. What are the complications of radiotherapy? Case 2 1. How does haemorrhagic cystitis develop? 2. What are...

The assessment and medical treatment of LUTS secondary to BPH

The term benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) describes prostate enlargement due to non-cancerous processes. Several aetiological mechanisms are involved, including hormonal and vascular alterations; abnormal regulation of apoptosis; and prostatic inflammation, which may stimulate cellular proliferation. With ageing, prostate enlargement can...

Men’s Health in Primary Care

Men’s health has lagged behind its female equivalent as a specific medical subject but, over the past decade, campaigns by men’s health groups have started to give it the prominence it deserves. This book sets out to be a comprehensive...

A phase II dose-ranging study of mirabegron in patients with OAB

This was a multinational, multicentre, randomised, double–blind, double-dummy, parallel group placebo- and active- controlled phase II study. The study enrolled 1108 men and women aged 18 and over. The criteria were: patients must have had overactive blader (OAB) symptoms for...

Prostatic artery embolisation versus sham

Randomised trials with use of sham is uncommon in the surgical literature, which makes this paper more interesting. Many different treatments are available for treating lower urinary tract symptoms / benign prostatic hyperplasia (LUTS / BPH). Prostatic artery embolisation (PAE)...