You searched for "continence"

654 results found

Patient-reported outcomes after prostate cancer treatment

This study used the survivorship (LIVESTRONG) care plan tool to identify patient-reported toxicities that occurred following treatment for prostate cancer. All patients had undergone treatments, which were considered to have similar oncological endpoints. The tool asked patients questions with regard...

Advanced prostate cancer and chemotherapy

The treatment pathway for advanced prostate cancer is both puzzling and complex and varies from centre to centre in the UK. The National Prostate Cancer Audit Report 2019 for England and Wales shows that only a quarter of men with...

Vitamin D and LUTS

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and vitamin D deficiency have been thought to be connected, but the association has been inconsistent. Vitamin D receptors have been identified in the bladder, prostate and pelvic floor muscles, and it has been linked...

SNNLive caught up with Andrew Tasker, CEO of Femeda Ltd.

SNNLive spoke with Andrew Tasker, CEO of Femeda Ltd. at the Planet MicroCap Showcase 2019 in Las Vegas, NV, and they discuss the following topics: Overview and history of Femeda, Update since our last interview...

Botox® instillation into the bladder

Patients with refractory overactive bladder (OAB) may be offered OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox®) as one of the third-line options. Given the invasive nature of requiring cystoscopy, injections via a needle and local anaesthesia, it would be simpler, more convenient and more accessible...

Urethral pathology

Case 1 A 43-year-old lady presents with urinary incontinence and vaginal pain associated with intercourse. An initial CT scan is performed. Case courtesy of Radswiki,, rID: 12056. Case courtesy of Radswiki,, rID: 12056 What is the clinical diagnosis...

Female and functional

Case 1 A 65-year-old woman presents with an 18-month history of “recurrent urinary tract infections” (rUTI). She is otherwise fit and well with no underlying medical problems and no lower urinary tract symptoms. What is the definition of a UTI...

Scientific Advances in Reconstructive Urology and Tissue Engineering

Scientific Advances in Reconstructive Urology and Tissue Engineering stands as a beacon in the field, providing a comprehensive exploration of cutting-edge developments in the intersection of reconstructive urology and tissue engineering. Edited by Matthias D Hofer, this paperback edition comprises...

Demanding cases or nightmares in uro-oncology? Jan/Feb 2023

Radical surgical treatment of prostate cancer has become minimally invasive owing to robotic assisted laparoscopic technology [1]. Patients who undergo robotic assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) often have lower risk of morbidity compared to an open approach. However, patients with a...

An account of training and practice of urology in Nigeria

Nigeria is the most populous nation on the continent of Africa. Within the country, there are 33,303 general hospitals and 59 tertiary hospitals to serve a population of approximately 210 million people [1]. Specialty-based practice of urology is domiciled in...

Read all about it May/Jun 2018

It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking about! So this section...

Curing pure CIS with radical surgery: lessons learned

As carcinoma in situ (CIS) theoretically has no ability to invade or metastasise, performing radical cystectomy for CIS-only disease should be curative. In this single centre review over 37 years, 1964 patients undergoing cystectomy were analysed with 52 undergoing surgery...