You searched for "stricture"

250 results found

Our experience: from London and Glasgow urology, to the world down under

In November 2023, we were privileged to have been hosted at the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand’s (USANZ) annual trainee week in the beautiful city of Adelaide, South Australia. Each year, USANZ organises a week for their local...

Stuttering (recurrent ischaemic) priapism

Stuttering (recurrent ischaemic) priapism (SP) is a rare urological condition. Affected men will often experience almost daily prolonged and painful sleep related erections (SRE). Interestingly, these men report normal erections during the day and whilst awake. These episodes are usually...

Peyronie’s disease: a review and update

Peyronie’s disease (PD) describes an acquired disease of the penis, which is characterised by a number of signs and symptoms. These include penile pain, curvature, palpable plaques, wasting or narrowing of the penile shaft, a hinge deformity and potentially catastrophic...

Radiological appearances of non-vascular renal anatomical variants

Anatomical variants of the renal tract are common and, although often asymptomatic, may present with complications. It is essential to identify anatomical variants, as this may have an impact upon surgical planning and management. This article aims to demonstrate radiological...

How to set up and run a cadaveric dissection course

Conducting and implementing a cadaveric dissection course requires careful planning. Rachel Edmiston, Rajesh Anmolsingh, Omar Mirza and Nirmal Kumar offer a guide to individuals highlighting the licensing and legal processes involved with the use, preservation and disposal of cadavers in...

Optimising weight loss advice in obese women with urinary incontinence: a review

Background The National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) guidance specifies that women with a body mass index (BMI) of over 30, combined with urinary incontinence or overactive bladder, should be advised to lose weight [1]. A BMI over...

SURG and BAUS: United Strength is Stronger

Tuesday 26 June 2018, SURG Session, BAUS Annual Conference, Liverpool After a busy day of posters, keynote speakers, e-poster sessions and a resounding victory for the SURG team over the consultants in Urology University Challenge, came the SURG meeting. An...

JCST, GMC, HEE and SACs: how this alphabet soup translates into a seven-year urology training programme

As many trainees will know, and I count myself among them, there are a plethora of organisations involved in our training. Most of us will be familiar with our deaneries, the haven we return to once a month for our...

Planning and doing a fellowship: advice during the COVID-19 era

To paraphrase Shakespeare, to do, or not to do a fellowship, that is the question. That may be your question; whether or not to pursue a fellowship, even more so due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are...

Pelvic floor imaging – a brief synopsis

Background Pelvic floor imaging is an important part of both gastrointestinal and functional urology / urogynaecological departments. Symptoms such as obstructive defecation, incontinence and sphincter complex disorders have a significant impact on patient lifestyle and physical / mental well-being [1,2]....

Still Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) in urology: meeting the challenges presented by COVID-19

Back in 2019, Simon Harrison – the then sole national lead for the urology workstream in the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) programme – wrote an article for Urology News on the GIRFT national report and how its recommendations...

How to organise a urology taster week as a foundation trainee

Current exposure to urology in medical undergraduate curriculums is relatively sparse in comparison to the other surgical specialties with one study reporting just 42% of students having a compulsory attachment. These attachments were an average length of just one week...