You searched for "Movember"

276 results found

Prostates at the OK Corral

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( In this article, we are looking at an American urologist whose story was,...

A time management guide for urologists

Good time management is thought to not only reduce stress, but to improve personal efficiency, service delivery, clinical effectiveness and patient care. It was Benjamin Franklin in the 18th Century who originally made the link between success and the proper...

Metastatic spinal cord compression – a review

Introduction Metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC) is an oncological emergency that, unless diagnosed early and treated appropriately, can lead to significant morbidity and mortality, including paralysis and bladder and bowel dysfunction. MSCC can be defined as spinal cord or cauda...

Demanding cases or nightmares in uro-oncology? Sep/Oct 2022

Treatment of prostate cancer in renal transplant recipients is challenging due to a lack of knowledge of the natural history of cancer in these patients, the anatomical position of the graft in the iliac fossa and its proximity to the...

Virtual and augmented reality in surgery

Virtual reality (VR) is a three-dimensional, computer generated environment which can be accessed using a virtual reality headset, allowing individuals to immerse themselves in this virtual world. Augmented reality (AR) systems layer virtual information over a live camera feed into...

Retroperitoneal sepsis

Case 1 An 80-year-old woman presented with history of recurrent and recent cystitis, low grade pyrexia, abdominal and back pain, and pain on movement of the left hip which was observed to be flexed and externally rotated. What is the...

Quality Improvement – how to get involved?

The General Medical Council (GMC) requires all trainee doctors to carry out Quality Improvement (QI) as part of our annual appraisal process [1]. Exactly what QI projects are and how to get involved is less widely understood. Traditionally surgical trainees...

How to set up and run a cadaveric dissection course

Conducting and implementing a cadaveric dissection course requires careful planning. Rachel Edmiston, Rajesh Anmolsingh, Omar Mirza and Nirmal Kumar offer a guide to individuals highlighting the licensing and legal processes involved with the use, preservation and disposal of cadavers in...

A practical guide to success in National Selection

Gidon Ellis and Jonathan Makanjuola were both selected at National Selection in 2012 for Urological Higher Surgical Training. Both were ranked first in their respective interview rounds that year. It is no mean feat. Having read their article – their...

Surgical management of DSD

The management of children with disorders of sex development (DSD) continues to be controversial. This editorial was written in response to a review article in the same edition on ‘Evidence regarding cosmetic and medically unnecessary surgery in infants’ by M...

Call for standardised reporting of adverse events

This article will be of immense benefit to all of us involved in mortality and morbidity meetings and Clinical Governance, especially registrars and junior members of the team. The authors present data from the UK, USA and Europe. In prostate...

Delivering a trainee-led Urolink educational programme – my experience in Tanzania

In May 2023, I travelled to Moshi, Tanzania, where I visited Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) – a trip which was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) Urolink and with the support...