You searched for "consent"

730 results found

ICS updates in continence care: the role of the nurse continence specialist in continence services

The nurse who specialises in continence care is recognised as a key member of interdisciplinary teams seeking to deliver high quality integrated continence services. The recently published international service specifications for continence care [1] supports the use of specialist continence...

Delivering a trainee-led Urolink educational programme – my experience in Tanzania

In May 2023, I travelled to Moshi, Tanzania, where I visited Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) – a trip which was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) Urolink and with the support...

An algorithm for the management of haemorrhagic cystitis

Haemorrhagic cystitis (HC) can be one of the most difficult conditions to treat in urological practice. It is characterised by intractable bleeding from the bladder and may be acute or chronic. The most frequently reported causal factors are radiotherapy (RT)...

The burning issue of urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) occur when bacteria colonise and proliferate in the urinary tract. These are characterised by specific clinical symptoms (dysuria, suprapubic tenderness, urgency and urinary frequency) which commonly occur alongside the finding of bacteriuria. UTIs are common –...

Quality Improvement – how to get involved?

The General Medical Council (GMC) requires all trainee doctors to carry out Quality Improvement (QI) as part of our annual appraisal process [1]. Exactly what QI projects are and how to get involved is less widely understood. Traditionally surgical trainees...

‘Man van’ launched to speed up cancer diagnosis and improve healthcare access

The ‘Man Van’, an innovative new outreach programme, was launched in March this year to provide free health checks for men and boost early diagnosis of prostate and other urological cancers. The mobile health clinic will visit workplaces and churches...

Underactive Bladder

This book is an excellent update on the concept of the underactive bladder. The authors and editors led by Chris Chapple address some of the controversies surrounding definitions, diagnosis and treatment. The International Continence Society (ICS) currently defines detrusor overactivity...

Androgen insensitivity in patients with proximal hypospadias

A number of surgeons use preoperative androgen stimulation for a period of time prior to hypospadias surgery. The aim is to increase glans circumference, penile length and improve prepucial vascularisation pre-surgery. Data confirming the results of these aims is scarce....

EAU Patient Information 2019

Credible sources of medical information are difficult to find for patients and healthcare professionals. The European Association of Urologists (EAU) have updated their patient information website since our previous review last year. This digital review focuses on the patient information...

An MA in medical education – is it for you?

I have recently completed a three-year MA in medical education at the University of Winchester, which has been an edifying experience. The following article may appeal to readers who are considering such a venture. I have been a consultant for...

Induction Switch

Changing medical jobs or working in multiple hospitals is often a frustrating experience. Switch wait times can be agonisingly long, and at least in my experience, hospital intranet telephone directories are frequently inaccurate and unhelpful in connecting to the relevant...

Endourology Academy – a modern-day solution to modern-day training

In 2021, as a core trainee in urology, I found myself facing challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic, which led to limited theatre times for surgical exposure. Trying to grasp the basics of surgery with such restricted operative experience was...