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In conversation with Ben Challacombe at BAUS 2019

We catch up with Ben Challacombe, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Guy’s and St Thomas’s, London at BAUS 2019. Click the image below to see his answers to our questions.

In conversation with Jonathan Goddard at BAUS 2019

We catch up with Jonathan Charles Goddard, our History of Urology Section Editor, at BAUS 2019. Click the image below to see his answers to our questions.

The Malcolm Coptcoat Travelling Fellowship Award

The Urology Foundation and The Malcolm Coptcoat Trust are pleased to announce the creation of The Malcolm Coptcoat Travelling Fellowship. The annual Fellowship will support travel to international centres of excellence for a period of four to six weeks to...

EBM Stats Calc: there’s a stat for that

Quantifying the value of a specific test or intervention for a patient is no easy feat. Even when the value of a given test or intervention has been established, there may be additional case-specific factors to consider that are not...

Elements of AI

Given that a recent issue of Urology News focused on artificial intelligence (AI) in urology and potential problems it might bring, this month’s digital review focuses on a free course in artificial intelligence. Elements of AI ( is a free...

Induction Switch

Changing medical jobs or working in multiple hospitals is often a frustrating experience. Switch wait times can be agonisingly long, and at least in my experience, hospital intranet telephone directories are frequently inaccurate and unhelpful in connecting to the relevant...

The Welsh Urological Society (WUS)

By Thomas Ellul, Specialist Registrar in Urology, Wales Deanery. The New Year brings with it the opportunity for urologists in Wales to congregate and discuss the events of the previous year as well as current research, guidelines and hot topics....

CESCI Partnership with the Spinal Injuries Association

Cauda Equina Spinal Cord Injury (CESCI) are thrilled to announce their new partnership with the Spinal Injuries Association (SIA). This collaboration represents a significant step forward in their mission to support individuals living with cauda equina syndrome (CES). CESCI is...

Perspectives on the 9th Worldwide Robotic Surgery Event 

I was honoured to be invited again to participate in this year’s Worldwide Robotic Surgery Event (WRSE). Taking place in the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic, when medical meetings and congresses have been cancelled, training disrupted and health systems...

Radiology quiz

We are delighted to introduce something new for the Uroradiology Focus – our very own Jane Belfield has put together a urology imaging quiz with 10 cases designed to grab your interest and test your knowledge. Good luck and let...

Urology in the Ancient Arab World

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( For May/June, urology trainee Bushra Abdelqader is helping me to delve into that...

MRI targeted transperineal prostate biopsy: a local anaesthetic approach

Transperineal template biopsy remains the gold standard investigation in diagnosis of prostate cancer. Data from the PROMIS study demonstrated the low sensitivity of transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) biopsy as a diagnostic tool, and highlighted the need for a better diagnostic pathway....