You searched for "testes"

225 results found

Seminal vesicle calculi

Epidemiology Seminal vesicle calculi are uncommon with just over 100 cases being reported in the literature, although the true incidence is likely to be higher [1-9]. Patients usually present aged between 30 and 45 years old and although the pathogenesis...

A sigma six approach to improving nephrostomy and antegrade stent services at a district general hospital – an audit project

As hospitals merge into larger trusts there becomes a centralisation of some services. Interventional radiology (IR) has been one of those services. Our district general hospital runs bi-weekly lR lists following service centralisation. Urology and IR most commonly liaise on...

How the COVID pandemic has shaped ongoing service delivery at ERIC, The Children’s Bowel & Bladder Charity

- CHARITY FOCUS - Like many organisations and charities, COVID-19 generated a rapid period of adaptation and diversification for ERIC, The Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity. Their Head of Communications, Alina Lynden, explains what this meant for the organisation and...

Prostate cancer series: diagnostics 2

- Click here for Part 1 - A 68-year-old male was referred to the two-week wait prostatic clinic with a serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) of 17. He had no bothersome lower urinary tract symptoms, relevant past medical history or...

Developing a risk calculator to predict cancer in patients with haematuria: The IDENTIFY Study

Patients with haematuria require investigations to rule out urinary tract cancer. We know that the most common cancer found during these investigations is bladder cancer, whereas upper tract cancers such as renal cell carcinoma and upper urinary tract urothelial cancer...

In conversation with Ian Pearce

We were delighted to catch up with our old friend, Ian Pearce, former Editor of Urology News and new President of BAUS. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of urology and the...

The 10 commandments of laparoscopic urology

Laparoscopic urologic procedures continue to attract the interest of trainees, consultants and the public, and the demand for training is on the increase [1,2,3]. The vast majority of laparoscopic procedures are laparoscopic nephrectomies and this is certainly the most common...

Focal therapy trials

Men with localised prostate cancer have traditionally required whole gland treatment involving radical prostatectomy or radical radiation treatment, independent of disease location and size. Increasing evidence supports the use of active treatment only in those men diagnosed with prostate cancer...

The emerging role of physician associates in urology

The physician associate (PA) is a new role in the NHS which has expanded across medical and surgical specialties to include urology. In the USA, it has long been an established field of practice where physician assistants work autonomously within...

Post radical nephrectomy presenting with skull metastasis

We present the case of an 83-year-old female who underwent right radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Despite negative surgical margins, the patient presented with a skull metastasis six years post radical nephrectomy. This case highlights the importance of...

Penile Mondor’s disease

Mondor’s disease is a rare, self-limiting entity characterised by subcutaneous chord like bands throughout the body. These bands arise due to phlebitis of the subcutaneous vessels. Penile Mondor’s disease (PMD) is an isolated superficial thrombophlebitis of the superficial dorsal vein...

Understanding Stauffer’s syndrome

Who was Stauffer and what is Stauffer’s syndrome? Maurice Stauffer (1915-1994) was a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, United States, and in 1961 first characterised the non-metastatic, paraneoplastic effects of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) on liver size and...