You searched for "TRUS"

290 results found

Our experience: from London and Glasgow urology, to the world down under

In November 2023, we were privileged to have been hosted at the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand’s (USANZ) annual trainee week in the beautiful city of Adelaide, South Australia. Each year, USANZ organises a week for their local...

Frequency-volume chart apps for nocturia: keeping urologists up at night

Background Nocturia is a bothersome symptom and the leading cause of disturbed sleep in adults. It is extremely common, with 55% of men and 60% of women aged 50 waking at least once in the night, with a further 20%...

Movember launches world’s largest cancer real world evidence network

Movember has launched the world’s largest prostate cancer and testicular clinical and research network, aimed at improving the overall survival and quality of life for those living with diseases that affect over 1.4 million men worldwide every year. The leading...

Supporting return to clinical practice

There are many reasons for a clinician to take time away from clinical practice. These include parental leave, research, a period of ill health, a career break, or the opportunity to spend time pursuing other interests. At any one time,...

Quality Improvement – how to get involved?

The General Medical Council (GMC) requires all trainee doctors to carry out Quality Improvement (QI) as part of our annual appraisal process [1]. Exactly what QI projects are and how to get involved is less widely understood. Traditionally surgical trainees...

25 Years of Prostate Cancer UK

As leading men’s health charity, Prostate Cancer UK, celebrates its 25th anniversary, top researchers reflect on the huge progress in testing, treatment and support for men over the past 25 years. 25 years of beating prostate cancer together Matthew Hobbs,...

Consent: your obligations in the modern, post-Montgomery era

There has been so much recent discussion and so much emphasis placed on the fundamental right that we all have to determine what is or is not done to us, the right to self-determination, that it would be either a...

An introduction to research governance

Research is the process of acquiring new generalisable knowledge and should be fully integrated into healthcare work. There is a growing drive to encourage and further develop evidence-based practice in medicine so that staff and patients benefit from improved healthcare...

In conversation with Rebecca Porta

We were delighted to chat to Rebecca Porta, the new Chief Executive of The Urology Foundation (TUF) First of all, many congratulations on your recent appointment as Chief Executive of TUF; can you tell us a little bit about your...

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence concerns me. Generally, people still tend to be concerned that their livelihoods will be replaced by an all powerful, all knowing artificial intelligence (AI) system. This at a time when the world’s largest technology companies (Amazon, Google, Apple),...

In conversation with Professor Christopher Chapple

Professor Christopher Chappel. Prof Chapple, thank you for taking the time to chat with the Urology News team. Can we start by asking about your background and how you ended up in the field of urology? Early in my career...

The BSoT buddy scheme at BAUS 2023: a new initiative for fostering international relationships

The BSoT committee at BAUS, many of whom where involved with the inaugural buddy scheme. The buddy background By Nicholas Boxall, Specialty Registrar, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Immediate Past Chair of BSoT. The BAUS Section of Trainees (BSoT)...