You searched for "information"

915 results found

Surgical management of DSD

The management of children with disorders of sex development (DSD) continues to be controversial. This editorial was written in response to a review article in the same edition on ‘Evidence regarding cosmetic and medically unnecessary surgery in infants’ by M...

Cleveland Clinic / Imperial College – Antioxidant Online Survey

Professor Ralf Henkel (Imperial College London/University of the Western Cape) and Professor Ashok Agarwal (Cleveland Clinic) are conducting an international online survey on the prescription of antioxidants for infertile patients, and have requested that we invite you to participate in this study.

SURG and BAUS: United Strength is Stronger

Tuesday 26 June 2018, SURG Session, BAUS Annual Conference, Liverpool After a busy day of posters, keynote speakers, e-poster sessions and a resounding victory for the SURG team over the consultants in Urology University Challenge, came the SURG meeting. An...

Purple urine bag syndrome

Purple urine bag syndrome (PUBS) is an uncommon phenomenon where the tubing and urinary catheter bag is noticed to undergo purple discolouration. This has been linked with urinary tract infections (UTI), chronic debilitated states and prolonged catheterisation. PUBS was noticed...

What is the role of evidence-based medicine in urology?

The concept of ‘evidence-based medicine’ (EBM) was first developed in the early 1990s and was described as “the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of the current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients” by the recently...

Planning and doing a fellowship: advice during the COVID-19 era

To paraphrase Shakespeare, to do, or not to do a fellowship, that is the question. That may be your question; whether or not to pursue a fellowship, even more so due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are...

An update on robotic surgery in urology

The early adoption of new technology has long been a trademark of urological surgeons. Like the introduction of the cystoscope, lasers and flexible endoscopy, the field of urology has witnessed a revolutionary transformation with the advent of robotic surgery. Robotic-assisted...

The how, why and when of bladder washouts: a guide

Bladder washouts are a treatment usually employed by the urology team, more often in an inpatient setting, and commonly indicated for haematuria with clot retention and catheter bypassing [1,2]. Bladder washout is a cornerstone of treatment in urology wards, yet...

A guide to local anaesthetic transperineal prostate biopsy

In the UK, nearly 100,000 men undergo a prostate biopsy annually, a figure projected to double in the next decade [1]. In recent years, we have observed a paradigm shift in urological practice in numerous UK hospitals. The conventional transrectal,...

Induction Switch

Changing medical jobs or working in multiple hospitals is often a frustrating experience. Switch wait times can be agonisingly long, and at least in my experience, hospital intranet telephone directories are frequently inaccurate and unhelpful in connecting to the relevant...

Contiform – is available on prescription

Despite the rumours of Contiform’s demise that have been greatly exaggerated, and that...

LoFric Origo Flexible: A new shape with more flexibility

LoFric® Origo is a user-friendly and safe male hydrophilic catheter. It comes in a discreet, foldable package that easily fits in a pocket.