You searched for "stricture"

250 results found

Buccal grafts for urethroplasty in pre-pubertal boys

Buccal mucosa graft (BMG) is often used as the primary graft in complex hypospadias surgery. It is not clear what the response of this BMG is during puberty androgen surge and whether or not differential penile growth occurs with secondary...

Medical statistics for urologists: part 1

Part 2 of this article is available here, and Part 3 here Clinicians often consider statistics to be a dry and challenging subject. However, an understanding of the basics of statistic methods underpins the interpretation and use of current best...

KOELIS Trinity® - Accuracy in prostate care

KOELIS Trinity® is a fully integrated mobile fusion imaging platform designed for personalised prostate care. Uniquely equipped with 3D ultrasound probes and KOELIS® patented Organ-Based Tracking Fusion® technology, KOELIS Trinity® brings maximum...

Ejaculatory dysfunction – too swift, too slow and the no-show

Timing is everything.’ Although an expression most frequently linked to comedy, timing also seems just as critical in the business of sexual climax. Indeed, many men worry about ejaculating. Too soon is embarrassing. Too slow is frustrating. And not ejaculating...

Physiotherapy first for pelvic floor dysfunction

Physiotherapy should be included in first-line management options for pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence in women [1,2]. Additionally, referral to physiotherapy is widely practised for the management of urinary incontinence in men, faecal incontinence, defecation disorders and various pelvic...

Inguino-scrotal sarcomas

A sarcoma is a malignant tumour that originates from mesenchymal cells such as adipose tissue, bone, cartilage and smooth muscle. Although these tumours histologically do not originate from the urogenital tract, urologists are often involved in their diagnosis and management...

TIP hypospadias repair

This paper by one of the current international leaders in hypospadias surgery looks at the outcome of over 1800 consecutive hypospadias repairs using the tubularised incised plate (TIP) repair, beginning from the first original operation through to sequential modifications over...

Urological trauma – part 2

Part 1 of this topic is available here. Case 1 A 29-year-old male was attacked and kicked in his left flank. He presented to the emergency department with left flank pain and frank haematuria. He remained haemodynamically stable. 1. What...

Inpatient care of patients with established spinal cord injury - what a general urologist needs to know

Introduction Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating, life-changing condition, which is currently irreversible. Depending on the level of the spinal cord affected (and whether the lesion is complete or incomplete), patients may subsequently develop reduced voluntary motor function, sensory...

Nurse practitioner TRUS biopsy: training and preparation

As prostate cancer rates increase, many urology departments rely on multi-professional teams to diagnose and manage patients with prostate cancer. The aim of this article is to highlight the skills, training and preparation required for nurse practitioners to undertake trans-rectal...

What exactly is Hinman Syndrome?

Who was Hinman and what is Hinman Syndrome? Frank Hinman Junior (1915–2011) first described ‘Hinman syndrome’ in the 1970s – a condition also known as a ‘non-neurogenic neurogenic bladder’. He was a renowned American urologist, educator and skilful artist and...

Koss’s Cytology of the Urinary Tract with Histopathologic Correlations

This book represents the concept of urine cytology in a compact, colourful crucible of high quality photomicrographs. It gives an excellent overview on the specific field of urine cytology. ‘One picture is worth a thousand words’ and this succinctly captures...