You searched for "lasers"

578 results found

William Harvey – Not All Heart!

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( I expect you will have heard of William Harvey (1578-1657) the 17th Century...

Unlocking the potential of AI chatbots

The landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving rapidly, and one of its most exciting domains is large language models (LLMs) powering AI chatbots. These models hold immense potential to transform how we interact with technology, offering personalised assistance in...

Urinary tuberculosis and the busy urologist!

This article is a very good read for any busy urologist. When in medical school, we were taught that tuberculosis (TB) was rare in the UK and other developed countries. We have come full circle; now there are increasing cases...

Urethral stenosis after radiation therapy for prostate cancer

One of the most common causes of bladder outflow obstruction in post radiotherapy (RT) cases is urethral stenosis. These cases are miserable and moribund with poor flow rates, incomplete bladder emptying, recurrent urinary tract infections and haematuria. The reported incidence...

Lichen sclerosus and isolated bulbar urethral stricture disease

The incidence of urethral stricture in men with lichen sclerosus (LS) has been reported to be between 4.8% and 14%. LS limited to the glans and urethral meatus can be treated with acceptable outcomes; however, more extensive urethral disease requires...

Urinary incontinence in women – part 1: terminology and diagnosis

Introduction Urinary incontinence (UI) is the involuntary and often embarrassing leakage of urine. It is a condition that is both under-reported and under-diagnosed, and when reported it is, unfortunately, often not assessed and managed adequately. Incontinence of urine is encountered...

Complications of CISC

Introduction Clean intermittent self catheterisation (CISC) was first introduced and popularised by Lapides in 1972. Since then its utilisation has become widespread and it is now commonly used throughout the world as the preferred means of facilitating complete and effective...

EAU Guidelines App

The European Association of Urology (EAU) continues to lead on the latest guidelines within urology. The all new EAU guidelines app brings together the pocket version of the EAU guidelines with a much improved user interface. Both the cancer and...

Endourology Academy – a modern-day solution to modern-day training

In 2021, as a core trainee in urology, I found myself facing challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic, which led to limited theatre times for surgical exposure. Trying to grasp the basics of surgery with such restricted operative experience was...

Long-term complications of bulking agents in the treatment of SUI

Incontinence poses a substantial economic burden on the UK’s NHS, estimated at £536 million in 1999/2000, equivalent to approximately 1.1% of the total NHS spend, for both men and women. Over two decades later, this cost is expected to have...

Demanding cases or nightmares in uro-oncology? Jan/Feb 2022

When less is more: percutaneous biopsy and tumour seeding in papillary renal cell carcinoma Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) accounted for 2.2% of new cancer diagnoses worldwide in 2018 with over 400,000 new cases and 175,098 deaths [1]. The majority of...

The process of medical innovation – evolving trends and future perspectives

In 2018 the United Kingdom Government spending on healthcare totalled almost £166 billion. Of this approximately 65% was attributed to providing curative or rehabilitation therapy, with health-related long-term care and provision of goods accounting for 25%. The remaining was accredited...