You searched for "management"

525 results found

Results of HoLEP in patients with prostate cancer and LUTS

Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) is recommended for the management of benign prostatic obstruction. With similar functional outcomes and less morbidity compared to transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), it has become a useful tool in the armament...

The current state of surgical practice for neonatal torsion

Perinatal testicular torsion may be subdivided into prenatal (73%) and postnatal (28%) up to 30 days post birth. Aetiology in the former is universally extra vaginal around the whole of the tunica vaginalis with testicular salvage rate of <5%. Postnatal...

Local tumour bed recurrence following partial nephrectomy

In this interesting retrospective study, the authors looked at the incidence of local tumour bed recurrence after partial nephrectomy (PN), the factors associated with that, and the management. A total of 2,271 patients’ charts were reviewed who underwent partial nephrectomies...

Managing staghorn calculi – a return to the dark ages of stone surgery with the aid of the robot

Khurshid Ghani and colleagues present a novel, yet all too familiar, approach to the management of patients with staghorn calculi, in the form of anatrophic nephrolithotomy - however with the aid of a robot. The aim of this study is...

Does stable or decreasing hydronephrosis on ultrasound lead to stable or improved function on diuretic renography?

Antenatal hydronephrosis is noted in approximately 1% of all pregnancies. Persistent renal obstruction may lead to progressive loss of renal function. Renal ultrasound (USS) is the preferred modality for diagnosis and monitoring of paediatric hydronephrosis as it is non-invasive, non-ionising,...

Relax and take note of this!

Children with neurogenic bladders are at risk of renal compromise through high detrusor pressures. Management aims to provide continence and preserve the upper tracts by increasing capacity and compliance though early clean intermittent catheterisation and anticholinergics. Intradetrusor botulinum toxin has...

Risk factors for BC after minimally invasive RNU

Bladder cancer (BC) after radical nephroureterectomy (RNU) has an approximate incidence of 20-50%. This contemporary multicentre study will inform the ongoing debate on risk factors for BC after minimally invasive RNU and how it may be prevented. Three hundred and...

Parental psychological intervention improves outcomes for children with night wetting

Bed wetting is a common disorder that can potentially limit social interactions (e.g., sleepovers) and have emotional implications for both the child and their family. Here, Sa et al. from Brazil, hypothesised that involving parents in the treatment and providing...

Peak Medical – new additions to our catheter range

UltraSmooth Tapered Tip Meatal Dilator / UltraSmooth Aqua Tiemann Tip Catheter / UltraSmooth Aqua ISC Nelaton Catheter

Chronic retention – all you need to know

Chronic retention – all you need to know Chronic urinary retention is a common presentation in elderly and frail patients. Two types should be recognised - low pressure chronic retention (LPCR) and high pressure chronic retention (HPCR). Acute-on-chronic retention occurs...

Renal masses

Case 1 A 70-year-old female presented under the medical team with malaise, weight loss, and deranged liver function tests (LFTs) and calcium (ALP 350, GGT 650, Serum bilirubin 29, normal aminotransferases, Ca 3.3). An abdominal ultrasound scan (USS) was performed...

Challenging Cases in Urological Surgery: Cases With Expert Commentary (Challenging Concepts)

The authors’ intention with this book is to provide a consensus on a number of common, challenging and controversial topics in urology, which are examined from a multidisciplinary approach with insights from expert opinion and current evidence. Challenging Cases in...