You searched for "TRUS"

290 results found

Urologist in a chocolate box: Felix Guyon

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( It is not often we get to say someone in urology has something...

Use of MRI in the evaluation of prostate cancer: part 1

Introduction Prostate cancer remains the most commonly diagnosed cancer in males and the second leading cause of cancer related deaths in UK men, after lung cancer [1]. The incidence of prostate cancer in the UK has shown a rapid increase...

Prolapse surgery with mesh: where do we stand in 2017? An ICS update

Background Surgery for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is common among women. The lifetime risk of undergoing at least one surgical procedure for POP is up to 20% [1]. This kind of surgery will be increasingly important due to an ageing...

Medical statistics for urologists: part 1

Part 2 of this article is available here, and Part 3 here Clinicians often consider statistics to be a dry and challenging subject. However, an understanding of the basics of statistic methods underpins the interpretation and use of current best...

Urology in the Ancient Arab World

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( For May/June, urology trainee Bushra Abdelqader is helping me to delve into that...

Reflections on 20 years as an Army Reserve doctor: live a life less ordinary

It seems a very short time ago that my predecessor recruited me into my regiment as a surgical senior house officer during a varicose vein operation in a cottage hospital in Stroud, informing me that I would be only the...

Do not hesitate and start using the hashtag, #UroSoMe!

In recent years, the digitisation of scientific information has been astonishing and the use of social networks has been increasing worldwide. Social networks play a fundamental role in the dissemination of information and scientific knowledge in the field of urology...

Prostates at the OK Corral

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( In this article, we are looking at an American urologist whose story was,...

Giggle incontinence – not a laughing matter!

For many decades, the condition of giggle incontinence (enuresis risoria, giggle micturition) has remained a rare and poorly understood condition. Patients (90% female) present in their teens, with the history revealing an issue for many years. It is debilitating and...

Lifestyle interventions for UI in women

Lifestyle interventions for urinary incontinence (UI) are supported by all major guidelines. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline (CG171) from September 2013 (updated November 2015) [1] recommends lifestyle advice including dietary modifications such as caffeine reduction,...

What’s in a name?

Kate Granger is a doctor and the founder of the #hellomynameis campaign; she is also a cancer patient. In this article she explains why she started the campaign, and why patient-centred care starts with an introduction. Chris and me the...

In conversation with Roger Kirby

We were delighted to catch up with Roger Kirby, new President of the RSM, about his illustrious career in urology. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of urology and what have been...