You searched for "consent"

730 results found

Clinical visit for PCNL experience: Agra, India

In September 2015, I travelled to India for a two-week clinical visit with Professor Madhu Sudan Agrawal at the Global Rainbow Hospital, Agra. Having completed my training I wanted to further develop my skills with PCNL, particularly with regards to...

Immunotherapy in renal cancer

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the sixth most common solid organ cancer in the UK. In 2018, there were 403,262 people diagnosed worldwide with the disease (2.2% of all cancer cases), and it accounted for 175,098 deaths in total (1.8%...

Neuromodulation for lower urinary tract dysfunction – an ICS update

Non-invasive and invasive electro-stimulation techniques have been extensively studied in the treatment of lower urinary tract and bowel dysfunction, including overactive bladder syndrome (OAB), non-obstructive chronic urinary retention, faecal incontinence and chronic pelvic pain. Currently, the most common indication for...

Simulation-based training of procedural skills: application and integration of educational theories

Educational theories: how familiar are we with these theories and their application in our training? As a Simulation Fellow I have been involved in teaching specific procedural skills and running full immersion simulation sessions. This experience has exposed me to...

STRIVE Academic Centre: Urology Clinical Skills Simulation

@ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. This simulation based course will provide knowledge and understanding of urological clinical skills to help you become more confident in managing common urological issues.

Results of HoLEP in patients with prostate cancer and LUTS

Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) is recommended for the management of benign prostatic obstruction. With similar functional outcomes and less morbidity compared to transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), it has become a useful tool in the armament...

Read all about it Nov/Dec 2014

It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking about! So this section...

Testicular tumour imaging

Testicular tumours are the most common tumour in young males with a peak incidence seen between 25 and 34 years [1]. The overall incidence is slowly increasing, although the exact reasons for this are uncertain, and there is a greater...

Practising surgery in a war zone: an interview with Dr Volodymyr Melnyk

It is now nine months since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine commenced in late February 2022, with Putin announcing a “special military operation” to “denazify and demilitarise” Ukraine. The rest of the world, however, saw it for what it...

Antimuscarinics and behaviour in patients with spinal dysraphism

Since the 1980s patients with spinal dysraphism have had aggressive bladder management with clean intermittent catheterisation and anticholinergic therapy from early on in life. This strategy aims at improving lower and therefore upper urinary tract function thus decreasing the risk...

Demanding cases or nightmares in uro-oncology? May/Jun 2022

Delayed diagnosis of testicular cancer Testicular cancer is considered rare in the general population but is the most common cancer affecting males between 24 and 49 years. The diagnosis of testicular cancer depends on physical examination, ultrasound findings and tumour...

An overview of daytime wetting in children

It is estimated that daytime wetting affects one in seventy-five children over the age of five years [1]. Daytime wetting is commoner in younger children (1 in 7 aged 4.5 years, 1 in 20 aged 9.5 years) [1]. Many younger...