You searched for "Glasgow"

78 results found

Early British pioneers of urological imaging

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( In this article I am joined by Gavin Gordon of Newcastle University whose...

Moving pictures

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( Those of you who occasionally wander (virtually of course) into the online Museum...

A short history of nephrectomy

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( In the last article I promised to tell you about removing kidneys, by...

Read all about it Jan/Feb 2020

Read all about it... It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking...

Discovering urology during the foundation programme

My journey to finding urology as a chosen career was not linear. During medical school, I always enjoyed studying urological and renal pathologies. I was exposed to one week of urology placement during my fourth year ‘surgical block’, where I...

The aero-urethroscope

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( In the last article I said I would write about another old urological...

An inconvenient truth: reflections on the NHS

“What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.” The above is a quote attributed to Mark Twain from the 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, which follows Al...

JCST, GMC, HEE and SACs: how this alphabet soup translates into a seven-year urology training programme

As many trainees will know, and I count myself among them, there are a plethora of organisations involved in our training. Most of us will be familiar with our deaneries, the haven we return to once a month for our...

How do we tackle social injustice in urological cancer?

Socioeconomic status as an established determinant of health and associated injustices is well recognised. Confronting these injustices and creating a fairer healthcare system is an ongoing challenge for many governments. In Scotland, the devolved government has created the Scottish Index...

ASAP: is a repeat biopsy necessary?

This study examined the validity of current US and European guidelines on the management of patients diagnosed with atypical small acinar proliferation (ASAP). Current guidance states that these patients should undergo repeat biopsy within three to six months due to...

Active surveillance for intermediate-risk prostate cancer

In this review, Klotz and Dall’Era summarise available data from the Toronto, UCSF, ERSPC, PASS and Royal Marsden active surveillance cohorts, looking specifically at outcomes of patients classed as intermediate risk. Cancer specific survival in men managed initially with active...

Inpatient care of patients with established spinal cord injury - what a general urologist needs to know

Introduction Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating, life-changing condition, which is currently irreversible. Depending on the level of the spinal cord affected (and whether the lesion is complete or incomplete), patients may subsequently develop reduced voluntary motor function, sensory...