You searched for "PUV"

131 results found

Medical statistics for urologists: part 3 – diagnostic testing

Following on from the first two parts of this series (see Part 1 here, and Part 2 here), this final article aims to demonstrate how the theory of statistics applies to medical diagnostics. Probability in diagnostic testing Diagnostic tests refer...

PUJO: Hellstrom principle revisited

This paper describes the result of four out of twenty-three cases (two males, two females) of pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction - PUJO - (mean age 18.25 years, range 16-20), mean follow-up two years (range six months – three years) that were...

The bilious solution of Monsieurs Calmette et Guérin

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( This month’s history story was inspired by a question from one of my...

Benign prostatic hyperplasia: what are the benefits and harms of various surgical management options?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is characterised by stromal and epithelial prostatic cell hyperplasia. The enlarged prostate may be associated with voiding and storage lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). These have been predominantly attributed to bladder outlet obstruction (BOO), assumed to...

Supranormal function on MAG-3 – what is its significance and how to predict?

Differential renal function (DRF) on MAG-3 scans is typically used in patients with pelvic ureteric junction obstruction (PUJ obstruction). Supranormal DRF is when the kidney with PUJO has higher DRF than the normal contralateral kidney. The authors in this study...

Which is better – laparoscopic or open paediatric pyeloplasty?

In an attempt to answer the above question, Gatti et al. undertook a randomised controlled trial between 2005 and 2014. All children aged 1 to 18 years of age requiring surgery for pelviureteric junction (PUJ) obstruction were enrolled. A total...

Cryotherapy for small renal masses: better than surveillance?

With the rapid rise in incidental small renal mass detection, some of which have malignant potential, comes the need to either survey or treat these masses safely and with minimal morbidity. This large series of 147 patients with 171 masses,...

Upper tract abnormalities

Case 1 Figure 1. A 26-year-old female presents to A&E with loin pain. What do the CT images in Figures 1 (left, centre and right) show? What is the prevalence of the congenital anomaly in the general population, and is...

Ketamine uropathy – an update

The first two case series that documented the association between urinary tract damage and recreational ketamine use were published 12 years ago [1,2]. Since then ketamine has maintained a controversial profile as an essential medication of expanding utility but with...

Upper Tract Developmental Abnormalities

Case 1 1. What is the abnormality and how common is it? 2. What is the embryological origin? 3. With what other conditions can this be associated? Case 2 1. What is the diagnosis and how common is it? 2....

Can dogs smell prostate cancer?

For centuries we have known that man’s best friend has an exceptional sense of smell. ‘Sniffer’ dogs are found in a wide range of roles, including drug and explosive detection as part of airport security, helping emergency services locate survivors...

Józef Dietl – more than one crisis

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( To urologists, the name Dietl is linked with the eponym of Dietl’s crisis,...