You searched for "erection"

844 results found

A ‘survival guide’ to an ST3 year in urology

Following success in national selection, it soon dawns on the successful candidate that entry into higher surgical training (HST) requires more than a little clinical knowledge. The role requires administrative and organisational skills not hitherto called upon. This additional skill...

Kidney stone basketing forces unmasked

Ureteral avulsion is the most dreaded situation for any urologist to be faced with. Although uncommon, with rates of ureteroscopy on the increase, the potential for this serious complication should also be recognised. To avoid such serious complications, smart devices...

Focal therapy for prostate cancer – ready for prime time?

The current therapeutic ratio for radical therapy in many men with localised prostate cancer is not ideal. For a significant side-effect profile, there seems to be a small survival benefit over a 10-15 year period. A strategy that might balance...

Urethral pain syndrome – is there a light at the end of the tunnel?

Urethral pain syndrome (UPS) is defined in the 2014 EAU Guidelines as the occurrence of chronic or recurrent episodic pain perceived in the urethra, in the absence of proven infection or other obvious local pathology. UPS is often associated with...

The Underactive Bladder

For many, a diagnosis of an underactive or atonic bladder represents the end of the line in terms of management options. It remains a poorly understood and even more poorly appreciated condition, both in terms of underlying pathophysiology and alternatives...

Read all about it Mar/Apr 2019

Read all about it... It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking...

Bladder cancer diagnosis and follow up: A new proven urinary biomarker to support the post COVID-19 recovery phase

Since lockdown began most urologists have been following the advice of BAUS Oncology, to minimise the risk of exposure of patients and staff to potential COVID-19 infection: the result is an increasing backlog of patients requiring tests to determine if...

Can antibiotics reduce ‘unnecessary’ prostate biopsies?

With numerous factors capable of influencing prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels and therefore the likelihood of biopsy, this multi-centred randomised controlled trial (RCT) was designed to see if two weeks of ciprofloxacin compared to placebo would significantly reduce PSA levels...

Urethroplasty: a review of indications, techniques and outcomes

Urethral stricture is the most common cause of lower urinary tract obstruction in men aged between 20 and 40, carrying an estimated overall prevalence of 0.5% in the UK [1] and results in around 17,000 hospital admissions annually [2]. Endoscopic...

Cutting-edge or over-hyped? Evaluating the role of robotic surgery in the management of renal cell carcinoma

The quest for a minimally-invasive approach to major abdominal surgery finds its roots at the start of the previous century, when Georg Kelling first described the technique of ‘ceolioscopy’ to inspect intraabdominal organs in 1901 [1]. Since those early days,...

The how, why and when of bladder washouts: a guide

Bladder washouts are a treatment usually employed by the urology team, more often in an inpatient setting, and commonly indicated for haematuria with clot retention and catheter bypassing [1,2]. Bladder washout is a cornerstone of treatment in urology wards, yet...

Surgical video – part 1: intraoperative video recording and storage

The use of digital technology has progressed in leaps and bounds and nowhere is this more apparent than in medicine and surgery. Footage of live surgery is now easily accessed on the internet or displayed at conferences. Thus, the 21st...