You searched for "innovation"

720 results found

Urinary diversion and infections

This article will be of interest to colleagues undertaking reconstructive surgery. Urinary diversions have been performed for decades. Common indications are muscle-invasive bladder cancer, neurological disorders, inflammatory conditions and congenital malformation. The diversions could be continent or non-continent. Complications due...

BCG maintenance therapy not superior to induction alone

With the ongoing shortage of BCG remaining an issue for urologists in the UK and further afield, this topical paper presented the results of the CUETO study evaluating the outcome of a modified three-year BCG maintenance regimen versus induction therapy...

Consent Part 2

See Part 1 on this topic here Case 1 A 77 year old lady presents to the Emergency Department confused and generally unwell. She is septic and, on imaging, is found to have a 9mm obstructing right sided proximal ureteric...

History of prostate biopsy – part 1

Part 2 of this topic is available here. Prostate biopsy (PBx) to exclude cancer has been part of clinical practice since the beginning of the 20th Century. PBx techniques have evolved over time to optimally address some of the unique...

Introducing Wystopper from Flexicare

Introducing the new Wystopper from Flexicare – a flexible clear soft stoma stopper designed by a clinician to maintain stoma sites, especially continent urinary diversions and antegrade continence enema (ACE) tracts.

Hypercalciuria in children with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis

Nocturnal enuresis, defined as intermittent urinary incontinence, regardless of the presence or absence of daytime symptoms, is common. Monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis – MSNE (no daytime symptoms) has four main causes identified with it: poor vasopressin action, nocturnal polyuria, poor arousal...

Urological Complications of Malignancy

Case 1 1. What does this sagittal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan show? 2. Which cancers commonly cause this? 3. What is the acute management? Case 2 1. What is the diagnosis? 2. What local effects can this mass cause?...

Moving hospitals as a consultant urological surgeon: what are the challenges?

Despite over 100 unfilled consultant urological surgeon posts in the UK, the reasons why an established surgeon should wish to move hospitals can still be viewed with suspicion. Why is this the case, when in many other careers, both within...

Black men are more at risk from prostate cancer, but we won’t let it stay that way – an update from Prostate Cancer Research

- CHARITY FOCUS - Focusing on all of disease characteristics, societal factors, and better communication gives us real potential to fix a disparity that has persisted for too long. When it comes to health inequity, the numbers are stark. Black...

Prolapse surgery with mesh: where do we stand in 2017? An ICS update

Background Surgery for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is common among women. The lifetime risk of undergoing at least one surgical procedure for POP is up to 20% [1]. This kind of surgery will be increasingly important due to an ageing...

Patient decision aids in the management of stress urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a common condition faced by up to 20-50% of women, which impairs quality of life and poses a significant socioeconomic burden to both the individual women involved and more widely to the NHS [1]. The overall cost...

LUTS update

Case study A 70-year-old, generally fit and well male attends your outpatient clinic. He has experienced a gradual deterioration in his voiding over the last few months. Specifically, he reports hesitancy, poor flow and nocturia. He denies visible haematuria. His...