You searched for "Movember"

276 results found

Black men are more at risk from prostate cancer, but we won’t let it stay that way – an update from Prostate Cancer Research

- CHARITY FOCUS - Focusing on all of disease characteristics, societal factors, and better communication gives us real potential to fix a disparity that has persisted for too long. When it comes to health inequity, the numbers are stark. Black...

The surgical trainer – are we still evolving?

“We need a system and we will surely have it – which will produce not only surgeons, but surgeons of the highest type” William Halsted MD William Halsted, a famous American surgeon, is widely credited with developing the first formal...

A guide for the assessment and management of post-obstructive diuresis

Acute urinary retention is a common condition encountered in the emergency situation and is initially managed by urethral catheterisation. This is often performed by nursing staff or junior doctors. Post-obstructive diuresis (POD) is a specific entity which may occur post...

Hail the Portfolio Pathway!

In the United Kingdom, the pursuit of a surgical career traditionally follows a conventional pathway, primarily through the completion of specialty programmes accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons or the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme (ISCP). However, for doctors with...

Is laparoscopic urological training in Sub-Saharan Africa a goal worth pursuing? Observations from my experience with IVUmed in Senegal

Laparoscopic surgery has developed at an unimaginable pace over the last three decades. The first laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed by Dr Phillip Mouret in France in 1987, with the first series of 63 cases published in 1989 [1]. However, its...

Artificial penile pearls: what every Urologist should know!

Penile implants are inert objects placed beneath the skin of the penis through an incision. These are variously referred to as Yakuza beads, pearls, ball bearings, speed bumps, penile marbles, inserts, etc. The term ‘penile implant’ described here should not...

Getting it Right First Time in urology: the implementation phase

The Getting it Right First Time (GIRFT) programme is the largest and most comprehensive initiative to improve the quality and efficiency of individual clinical services that the NHS has ever instigated. The programme falls under the auspices of NHS Improvement...

The role of conservative renal colic treatment

Acute renal colic is a common emergency condition, which can arise from a variety of underlying conditions that affect the urinary tract, but it is usually associated with the passage of ureteral stones. Before considering expectant management or active intervention,...

Inpatient care of patients with established spinal cord injury - what a general urologist needs to know

Introduction Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating, life-changing condition, which is currently irreversible. Depending on the level of the spinal cord affected (and whether the lesion is complete or incomplete), patients may subsequently develop reduced voluntary motor function, sensory...

Men with a susceptibility to prostate cancer: implications of family history in PCa risk-prediction

Incorporation of family history (FH) status into prostate cancer (PCa) risk stratification has the potential to underpin many aspects of PCa care. This group of men presents a unique challenge in early cancer detection, particularly given that most men without...

Ketamine uropathy – an update

The first two case series that documented the association between urinary tract damage and recreational ketamine use were published 12 years ago [1,2]. Since then ketamine has maintained a controversial profile as an essential medication of expanding utility but with...

ICS updates on continence care: making sense of detrusor underactivity and the underactive bladder

Countless epidemiological studies have established the frequent occurrence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and the significant burden these symptoms incur. For the most part of the past three decades, there has been an overwhelming focus on detrusor overactivity (DO)...