You searched for "treatment"

784 results found

Refluxing ureteral reimplantation

Obstructed megaureters may be managed with temporising stents, cutaneous ureterostomies, or in older children with ureteral reimplantation (usually if the child is over one year of age). Cutaneous ureterostomies have risks of stomal stenosis, infection and leakage problems over nappies...

PUJO: Hellstrom principle revisited

This paper describes the result of four out of twenty-three cases (two males, two females) of pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction - PUJO - (mean age 18.25 years, range 16-20), mean follow-up two years (range six months – three years) that were...

Consent Part 2

See Part 1 on this topic here Case 1 A 77 year old lady presents to the Emergency Department confused and generally unwell. She is septic and, on imaging, is found to have a 9mm obstructing right sided proximal ureteric...

Fertility Network UK: raising awareness of male infertility

Fertility Network UK are reaching out to clinicians in the urology field to raise awareness of the need to support men as the diagnosis of infertility on their emotional wellbeing and mental health can be devastating. This lack of support...

Artificial penile pearls: what every Urologist should know!

Penile implants are inert objects placed beneath the skin of the penis through an incision. These are variously referred to as Yakuza beads, pearls, ball bearings, speed bumps, penile marbles, inserts, etc. The term ‘penile implant’ described here should not...

Fournier’s gangrene

Introduction Fournier’s gangrene (FG) is a rare but fulminant form of infective necrotising fasciitis affecting the perineum and external genitalia, which can rapidly progress along fascial planes. It most commonly affects men, but can occur in women and children, with...

TUF Innovation and Research Fund

Since The Urology Foundation (TUF) was founded 26 years ago the charity has been at the heart of the step change in the treatment and care for urology patients. Building on past achievements, TUF are continuing to develop programmes and...

Prostate Cancer Focus

The ‘Prostate Cancer Focus 2021’ supplement from Urology News collates a range of articles covering the latest in the management of prostate cancer. The last year has seen plenty of innovation in the management of the condition, while the all-consuming...

Frequency-volume chart apps for nocturia: keeping urologists up at night

Background Nocturia is a bothersome symptom and the leading cause of disturbed sleep in adults. It is extremely common, with 55% of men and 60% of women aged 50 waking at least once in the night, with a further 20%...

Post-prostatectomy incontinence

Urinary incontinence following prostate surgery (post-prostatectomy incontinence or PPI) is a significant complication that can have a profoundly negative impact on the quality of life of patients suffering with it. It may become a barrier to physical activity and social...

The best stone man north of the border

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( In 1860, Sir Henry Thompson (1820–1904), the famous 19th century English surgeon and...

ICS updates in continence care: the role of the nurse continence specialist in continence services

The nurse who specialises in continence care is recognised as a key member of interdisciplinary teams seeking to deliver high quality integrated continence services. The recently published international service specifications for continence care [1] supports the use of specialist continence...