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814 results found

Optimising weight loss advice in obese women with urinary incontinence: a review

Background The National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) guidance specifies that women with a body mass index (BMI) of over 30, combined with urinary incontinence or overactive bladder, should be advised to lose weight [1]. A BMI over...

Campbell Walsh Wein Urology: 3-Volume Set (Campbell-Walsh Urology), 12th Edition

The 12th edition of the ‘Bible of Urology’ was a pleasure to review. The title has been changed to Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology to honour Dr Alan Wein’s many years of dedicated chief editorship of this famous textbook. The current editor-in-chief, Alan...

ICS 2019 Standards (two-volume set)

The highly anticipated fully updated 2019 edition of the International Continence Society (ICS) Standards is a comprehensive ‘book’ that compiles peer-reviewed documents into one easily accessible area of 935 pages. It has taken the joint effort and expertise of over...

Read all about it Jan/Feb 2018

It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking about! So this section...

The Kennedy Report

Context The death of George Floyd at the hands of racist driven police brutality in May 2020 shook the world into a period of civil unrest and active demonstration against unacceptable discrimination displayed by people of authority. The Black Lives...

MRI of the Prostate: A Practical Approach

The MRI is a non-negotiable part of prostate cancer diagnosis and management. As a result, this book is an essential. This nicely illustrated and well written account covers aspects ranging from MRI protocols, through Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System...

Urinary Stones – Medical and Surgical Management

This book is nicely adapted to cover both the medical and surgical management of urinary stone disease. Those chapters dealing with the surgical management of stone disease are dealt with unsurprisingly well – delivered with a relaxed and conversational prose...

COVID-19 Message from the editor

I suspect, years from now, we are going to look back at this time and understand how we lived through a moment in history that threatened the very fabric of our lives. Looking at images of empty streets across the...

Modified snorkel full-face mask for surgery - UPDATED

Rogan Corbridge (Reading, UK) has modified a snorkelling full-face mask to cover the face during surgery. You can attach a filter to the snorkel, so the air you inhale is Covid-free. Look at his video and fill in the survey:...

BAUS Section of Trainees (BSoT)

7-9 March 2022 • Edinburgh, UK • Nicholas Boxall, Chair (Elect), BSoT, ST6 Urology, Health Education East of England; and Neil Harvey, BSoT Chair, ST7 Urological Surgery, North West Deanery. The BSoT conference kicked off on Monday 7 March with...

Treatment of varicocele in children and adolescents

Varicocele occur in about 15% of all adolescents. These authors searched Medline, Embase and a number of platforms reporting on varicoses in children and adolescents, including only randomised controlled trials with patients under 21 years. After an initial 198 studies...

Prostate cancer screening

This editorial is from the University of Minnesota in the USA. The present evidence suggests that prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing provides a small reduction in prostate cancer (CaP) mortality and no reduction in all-causes mortality. The downside is of...