You searched for "doctors"

460 results found

Ejaculatory dysfunction and the treatment of LUTS

For years ejaculatory dysfunction in men following medical or surgical treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) was thought to be a result of disruption of the bladder neck mechanism and the subsequent retrograde flow of semen. Men commenced on...

Management of stage 1 non-seminomatous germ cell tumours

Testicular cancer (TC) is the most successfully treated solid tumour, achieving a cure rate of 90-95% [1-3]. Testicular cancer is relatively rare with an incidence of 2207 cases in the UK in 2014 [4] and yet is the most common...

In conversation with Professor Christopher Chapple

Professor Christopher Chappel. Prof Chapple, thank you for taking the time to chat with the Urology News team. Can we start by asking about your background and how you ended up in the field of urology? Early in my career...

How an ergonomic design is helping women overcome barriers in ISC

Urinary incontinence, or loss of bladder control, is a frustrating problem for millions of people. Never knowing when and where one might have an accident can affect everything: from work to family and social life. It happens to both men...

The Welsh Urological Society (WUS)

By Thomas Ellul, Specialist Registrar in Urology, Wales Deanery. The New Year brings with it the opportunity for urologists in Wales to congregate and discuss the events of the previous year as well as current research, guidelines and hot topics....

Prostate abscess

Prostate abscess (PA) is a relatively uncommon clinical condition which is often difficult to diagnose because clinical symptoms are non-specific. It may be associated with a significant fatality rate, estimated to be between 3% and 30%, which may reflect its...

Frailty in urology – part 2

The first article in this series defined frailty and introduced the concept and importance of identifying patients living with frailty who undergo surgery, including those undergoing urological procedures. In the second part of this series we outline how to identify...

Read all about it Nov/Dec 2014

It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking about! So this section...

Action Bladder Cancer UK launches learning module for primary care

Action Bladder Cancer UK has launched a new online learning module for primary care, to help healthcare professionals improve their knowledge of bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is not a rare cancer. In the UK alone, over 23,000 people are diagnosed...

Giggle incontinence – not a laughing matter!

For many decades, the condition of giggle incontinence (enuresis risoria, giggle micturition) has remained a rare and poorly understood condition. Patients (90% female) present in their teens, with the history revealing an issue for many years. It is debilitating and...

Dietary citrate substitution in urolithiasis patients

Stone formation is dependent on supersaturation of urinary salts and urinary crystal retention. Urinary promoters (protein aggregates, cell debris) and inhibitors (citrate, magnesium, urinary macromolecules such as glycosaminoglycans and proteins) are involved in the process of stone formation [1]. Hypocitraturia...

Renal masses

Case 1 A 70-year-old female presented under the medical team with malaise, weight loss, and deranged liver function tests (LFTs) and calcium (ALP 350, GGT 650, Serum bilirubin 29, normal aminotransferases, Ca 3.3). An abdominal ultrasound scan (USS) was performed...