You searched for "erection"

844 results found

Nurse practitioner TRUS biopsy: training and preparation

As prostate cancer rates increase, many urology departments rely on multi-professional teams to diagnose and manage patients with prostate cancer. The aim of this article is to highlight the skills, training and preparation required for nurse practitioners to undertake trans-rectal...

Guide to gaining approval for a clinical study

This article focuses on gaining approval for clinical research involving NHS patients, although the principles can be applied to other types of research. It can be quite a daunting process for the uninitiated applicant. Often it can be made less...


I­n this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the BAUS Virtual Museum of the History of Urology which is part of the BAUS website ( In the last four articles I...

Management of calyceal diverticular stones using ultramini PCNL

Calyceal diverticulae are congenital smooth-walled, non-secretory urothelium-lined cavities within the renal parenchyma that communicate with calyceal fornix through a diverticular neck. They were first described by Rayer in Traitements des maladies des reins [1]. Calculi occur in approximately 9.5% to...

Rotterdam Prostate Cancer Risk app

The widespread use of prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing has led to diagnostic difficulties for patients and urologists. The sensitivity and specificity characteristics of PSA are far from optimal. To try and improve the predictive accuracy of PSA measurements, nomograms...

Management of recurrent cystitis

Acute uncomplicated infective cystitis is most commonly seen in healthy women with a frequency of around 0.5-0.7 episodes per woman per year [1]. Around 10% of women report having had an episode of urinary tract infection (UTI) each year and...

Recent developments in bladder cancer

There have been some exciting developments in bladder cancer over the last few years. Immunotherapy has prolonged survival in a proportion of patients with metastatic disease, with sustained efficacy in some. Advances in genetic analysis and molecular subtyping make personalised...

Clinical trials 1

Clinical Trials 2 is available here. Case 1 1. What are the levels of clinical evidence based on the 2009 definitions from the ‘Oxford CEBM’? 2. What is the null hypothesis? 3. What are type 1 and type 2 errors?...

My detour – my year without a urology NTN and bouncing back

When I saw the dreaded words “Oriel: Application not matched” pop-up on my phone my heart sank. This was my second attempt at a urology national training number (NTN), and I had put my life on hold whilst preparing for...

Infections and inflammation: Part 2

See also Part 1 and Part 3. Case 1 A 43-year-old lady presented to the urologist with a history of pain during bladder filling and associated frequency / urgency. She underwent standard microbiological and radiological investigations that are normal. She...

Men with a susceptibility to prostate cancer: implications of family history in PCa risk-prediction

Incorporation of family history (FH) status into prostate cancer (PCa) risk stratification has the potential to underpin many aspects of PCa care. This group of men presents a unique challenge in early cancer detection, particularly given that most men without...

A guided guide to the guide wire

The use of guide wires has become a core skill utilised by urologists, especially within the field of endourology. The authors take us through the development of the guide wire and their current use in urology. The history The first...