You searched for "ADT"

716 results found

Internet privacy

What is internet privacy? Internet privacy or online privacy is the level of privacy protection an individual has while connected to the internet regarding their own data. Privacy includes personally identifiable information such as the data that can be used...

Dual therapy for OAB in children

Overactive bladder (OAB) is a disorder frequently encountered by the paediatric urologist. Morin et al. report the results of the first known study on the efficacy of mirabegron (a β3 adrenoceptor agonist) as add-on therapy in paediatric patients with refractory...

ICS (International Continence Society) 2024

Each year, the International Continence Society hosts its annual meeting bringing together healthcare professionals interested in treating incontinence patients. Attendees can benefit from the latest research, professional development and networking opportunities. It provides a platform to exchange ideas and share best practices. Leading experts in the field also present workshops and state of the art sessions.

ICS 2024 (International Continence Society) Meeting

Each year, the International Continence Society hosts its annual meeting bringing together healthcare professionals interested in treating incontinence patients. Attendees can benefit from the latest research, professional development and networking opportunities. It provides a platform to exchange ideas and share best practices. Leading experts in the field also present workshops and state of the art sessions.

Focal therapy trials

Men with localised prostate cancer have traditionally required whole gland treatment involving radical prostatectomy or radical radiation treatment, independent of disease location and size. Increasing evidence supports the use of active treatment only in those men diagnosed with prostate cancer...

A guide for the assessment and management of post-obstructive diuresis

Acute urinary retention is a common condition encountered in the emergency situation and is initially managed by urethral catheterisation. This is often performed by nursing staff or junior doctors. Post-obstructive diuresis (POD) is a specific entity which may occur post...

Read all about it Jan/Feb 2021

Read all about it... It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking...

Mesh in urological surgery in the UK – background, reviews and current status

All UK urologists, unless they have been on a 10-year silent retreat, are by now aware of the controversy surrounding surgical use of mesh in general and urological / urogynaecological use of mesh for the surgical treatment of stress urinary...

Technology for remote working and COVID-19 resources

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered every aspect of how we live, and how healthcare needs to be provided for the welfare of patients and staff. I thought I would try to summarise a few potential technology tools that could be...

Quality Improvement – how to get involved?

The General Medical Council (GMC) requires all trainee doctors to carry out Quality Improvement (QI) as part of our annual appraisal process [1]. Exactly what QI projects are and how to get involved is less widely understood. Traditionally surgical trainees...

Read all about it Jul/Aug 2015

It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking about! So this section...

EAUN25 (European Association of Urology)

"In 2025, the monumental Spanish capital will provide the backdrop to Europe’s biggest urological event, the 40th Annual EAU Congress (EAU25). Year after year, thousands of healthcare professionals attend the popular EAU congresses, and the 2025 edition will be no different. Emerging brilliant scientists from all over the world will present their pioneering research at the Congress. Not only will EAU25 celebrate innovation and disseminate first-rate healthcare practices, the Congress will also prepare young urologists for the future. You can anticipate a four-day scientific programme of engaging activities such as live surgeries, state-of-the-art lectures, and eye-opening patient discussions, plus educational courses and hands-on training courtesy of the European School of Urology." Prof. Arnulf Stenzl EAU Secretary General