You searched for "ureteric stone"

27 results found

From overseas to the UK: initial impressions

A few years ago we published stories from three international medical graduates detailing their experience of working as registrars in the UK ( Here are three new countries and three new opinions. Dinelle Sirjuesingh, Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago...

Challenges of upper tract urothelial carcinoma

Upper tract uroepithelial carcinoma (UTUC) is a fairly common disease which traditionally had poorer outcomes compared to bladder cancer. This is due to various factors leading to delayed diagnosis and problems in risk stratification. Continuing efforts have focused on early...

Pyonephrosis: is the kidney always doomed?

Pyonephrosis (Greek pyon ‘pus’ + nephros ‘kidney’) is defined in Campbell-Walsh Urology [1] as an infected hydro-nephrosis associated with suppurative destruction of the renal parenchyma which results in total or near total loss of renal function. The true incidence of...
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