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915 results found

Urethral pathology

Case 1 A 43-year-old lady presents with urinary incontinence and vaginal pain associated with intercourse. An initial CT scan is performed. Case courtesy of Radswiki,, rID: 12056. Case courtesy of Radswiki,, rID: 12056 What is the clinical diagnosis...

Immunotherapy in renal cancer

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the sixth most common solid organ cancer in the UK. In 2018, there were 403,262 people diagnosed worldwide with the disease (2.2% of all cancer cases), and it accounted for 175,098 deaths in total (1.8%...

Preoperative use of testosterone prior to distal hypospadias repair

Preoperative hormonal stimulation has been utilised for >50 years in hypospadias surgery. Surgeons utilise testosterone (T) to increase penile size and glans width to try and improve clinical outcomes. However, a paucity of reliable data supporting its use has limited...

Renal calculi: the role of imaging in pregnancy

Nephrolithiasis is the most common cause of non-obstetric abdominal pain in pregnancy. Accurate diagnosis is imperative as stone related complications can lead to pre-eclampsia, urosepsis, and premature labour [1,2]. In the general population, non-contrast cross sectional imaging is recommended by...

EBM Stats Calc: there’s a stat for that

Quantifying the value of a specific test or intervention for a patient is no easy feat. Even when the value of a given test or intervention has been established, there may be additional case-specific factors to consider that are not...

Prostate cancer nurse specialist shortage: a view from the coal face

Prostate Cancer UK recently reported that there is an impending crisis for men with prostate cancer, simply because the number of nurse specialists available is insufficient for their needs [1]. Background As has been widely reported, the incidence of prostate...

Demanding cases or nightmares in endourology? Sep/Oct 2016

In this issue the authors will present once in a career cases that can truly haunt a urologist. “Mistakes are like bad loves, the more you learn from them, the more you wish they’d never happened. “ Gregory David Roberts*...

Men with a susceptibility to prostate cancer: implications of ethnicity in PCa risk-prediction and diagnosis

The diagnostic and therapeutic landscapes of prostate cancer (PCa) have advanced at great pace in the past decade. However, disparities in access to care, clinical outcomes and representation in therapeutic, interventional and genomic studies continue to exist between Afro-Caribbean (AC)...

Improving on the Rotterdam Prostate Cancer Risk Calculator

Following the PROMIS trial [1], many cancer centres in the UK are now offering pre-biopsy multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) for men suitable for radical treatment. The European Association of Urology for Prostate Cancer (PCa) guidelines recommend individual risk stratification before the...

Technology for remote working and COVID-19 resources

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered every aspect of how we live, and how healthcare needs to be provided for the welfare of patients and staff. I thought I would try to summarise a few potential technology tools that could be...

Online urology teaching

The COVID-19 crisis continues to disrupt our traditional models of teaching. Urological emergencies account for 20% of all acute surgical admissions and 5-10% of general practitioner visits [1]. Currently in the UK, undergraduate teaching on urology is not compulsory. Fewer...

A ‘survival guide’ to an ST3 year in urology

Following success in national selection, it soon dawns on the successful candidate that entry into higher surgical training (HST) requires more than a little clinical knowledge. The role requires administrative and organisational skills not hitherto called upon. This additional skill...