You searched for "underactive"

503 results found

Urology around the world: Myanmar

In this article the author, a urologist from Myanmar, discusses the presentation, diagnosis and management of a condition common in his country. Urethral orifice stones Urolithiasis is one of the most common urological conditions, usually involving the kidneys, ureters and...

Initial impressions of urology in the UK from overseas trainees

Readers of Urology News will be familiar with descriptions of overseas visits by UK-based urological trainees, but it is sometimes beneficial to reflect on the experience of international medical graduates (IMGs) who elect to come to work and train in...

Is robotic pyeloplasty in the under-ones as good as open repair?

Pelviureteric junction obstruction (PUJO) is a common cause of paediatric hydronephrosis. Indications for intervention include reduced renal function (<40%), symptoms (urinary tract infection or pain) and increasing dilatation. Although the Anderson-Hynes open pyeloplasty (OP) has long been the gold standard...

Who should be taking care of the adolescent with testicular torsion?

From time to time (as paediatric surgeons), we receive referrals from regional hospitals to explore the testis in older boys. Given the time-critical nature of the condition, patients should benefit from assessment and surgery performed locally (when possible). Inter-hospital transfer...

Robot assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy versus open retropubic prostatectomy – complication and readmission rates

Readmission rates in postoperative patients are an important health economic and clinical challenge faced in the modern NHS, with financial levies attached. In America since 2013, hospitals have been faced with ‘readmission penalties’ deducted from Medicare reimbursements. This was the...

Prostatic artery embolisation – an option for select BPO patients

Few proponents of prostatic artery embolisation (PAE) regard it as a potential standard in future for benign prostatic obstruction (BPO) / benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) treatment. Present guidelines from the National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) and the...

Age does not impact risk for urethroplasty complications after TIP repair of hypospadias

This paper is evidence of an increasing trend (especially in the USA) to lower the age at which hypospadias repair is undertaken. The current generalised best accepted age to repair hypospadias is between 6-18 months, which was reduced in the...

The management of renal calculi – Pt 1

Renal calculi can be managed according to four treatment options: conservative management, extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL), flexible ureterorenoscopy (FURS) and percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). This is the first in a two-part series in Urology News (Part 2 available here) that will...

How to set up and run a cadaveric dissection course

Conducting and implementing a cadaveric dissection course requires careful planning. Rachel Edmiston, Rajesh Anmolsingh, Omar Mirza and Nirmal Kumar offer a guide to individuals highlighting the licensing and legal processes involved with the use, preservation and disposal of cadavers in...

Priapism in sickle cell disease

What is sickle cell disease? Sickle cell disease (SCD) is one of the most common single-gene disorders in the UK affecting approximately one in every 2000 live births. Approximately 20-25 million people worldwide have SCD. It predominately affects those of...

Systematic reviews and meta-analysis – a stepwise approach

As per Cochrane definition (2013), a systematic literature review (SR) attempts “to identify, appraise and synthesize all the empirical evidence that meets pre-specified eligibility criteria to answer a given research question” [1]. A meta-analysis (MA) is a statistical assessment of...

Penile fracture

Traumatic rupture of the tunica albuginea with either one or both corpora cavernosa of the penis is known as penile fracture. This may be associated with corpus spongiosum or urethral injury. Incidence Penile fracture was reported for the first time...