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640 results found

Transurethral enucleation is superior to resection for the management of LUTS secondary to BPH

This meta-analysis (Level 1b evidence) examined the efficacy and safety of two primary transurethral therapies used in the management of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), enucleation (HoLEP – holmium laser enucleation of prostate, ThuLEP,...

Lichen sclerosus and isolated bulbar urethral stricture disease

The incidence of urethral stricture in men with lichen sclerosus (LS) has been reported to be between 4.8% and 14%. LS limited to the glans and urethral meatus can be treated with acceptable outcomes; however, more extensive urethral disease requires...

My UK reconstructive urology fellowship experience

Surgical training is a long and hard pathway. Having completed medical school, I undertook my internship at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne. The Alfred Hospital is a leading tertiary teaching hospital in Australia’s second largest city. Prior to commencing my...

Still Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) in urology: meeting the challenges presented by COVID-19

Back in 2019, Simon Harrison – the then sole national lead for the urology workstream in the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) programme – wrote an article for Urology News on the GIRFT national report and how its recommendations...

Coronaviruses and kidney injury

This is a topical review of the effects of coronaviruses on the kidney and includes a description of the mechanisms of kidney damage by SARS, MERS and COVID-19. The authors quote two previous reports which estimate the incidence of acute...

Pacemakers in the upper urinary tract

This is an interesting study from Italy. The mechanism by which urine is transported from the kidney to the bladder via the upper urinary tract (UUT) remains poorly understood and elusive. For many years, pyeloureteric rhythmicity is thought to arise...

Urinary retention in women: what a general urologist should know

Urinary retention (UR) is classified by the International Continence Society (ICS) into acute (AUR) and chronic (CUR). AUR is defined as the “inability to pass any urine despite having a full bladder which is painfully distended and readily palpable or...

Urolithiasis – metabolic considerations

Case 1 A 32-year-old female patient is diagnosed with a ureteric calculus for the first-time. What type of metabolic evaluation investigations should be performed? When should stone analysis be repeated? What are the most common metabolic abnormalities associated with calcium...

45th Congress of the Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU)

Registration Opening January 24, 2025! IN PERSON registration fees include: Scientific Sessions (in person and virtual) Complimentary access to the 7th Bench-to-Bedside Uro-Oncology: GU Cancers Triad Meeting (Friday, October 31) Access to the Exhibit Hall Complimentary access to scientific content on the virtual congress platform, SIU@U, including live chats, virtual exhibit, gamification and session polling Access to the Congress Mobile App VIRTUAL registration fees include: Key Scientific Sessions broadcast live and available on-demand, including the Bench-to-Bedside Uro-Oncology: GU Cancers Triad Meeting Full access to the virtual congress platform, SIU@U, including live chat, virtual exhibit, gamification and session polling Access to the Congress Mobile App

Students for Urology: a new national society aimed at improving undergraduate exposure

As medical students, we were surprised at just how little urological content was taught at medical school. We received a basic education on how to manage urological infections, renal stones and urinary retention but nothing particularly inspiring was shared, nothing...

A novel approach to surgical management of the nutcracker phenomenon

The nutcracker phenomenon is defined as compression of the renal vein between the aorta and superior mesenteric artery and can present with loin pain, haematuria and a left-sided varicocele with treatment options including left renal vein transposition, superior mesenteric artery...

Technology – Part 2

Case 1 Name the machine shown in the picture and describe how it works. What is the standard frequency of ultrasound waves in this machine? What frequency of ultrasound waves are utilised in an abdominal and scrotal ultrasound? Case 2...