You searched for "cancer"

772 results found

Bouncing Back: support, mentorship and advice for those unsuccessful in urology ST3 national selection

The 2018 BAUS Annual Scientific Meeting in Liverpool delivered the first session for applicants unsuccessful in urology ST3 national selection. The session was organised and run by Luke Forster, Core Training Liaison Representative, along with several trainees. Background The concept...

In conversation with James Green

We were delighted to catch up with James Green, Consultant Urological Surgeon and new President of the Royal Society of Medicine Section of Urology. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of urology...

Ureteric strictures

Case 1 What is this investigation? What are the findings of this investigation? What are the causes for this? What are the treatment options? Case 2 Image 1. Image 2. What do these X-Ray KUB films show? What are the...

The process of medical innovation – evolving trends and future perspectives

In 2018 the United Kingdom Government spending on healthcare totalled almost £166 billion. Of this approximately 65% was attributed to providing curative or rehabilitation therapy, with health-related long-term care and provision of goods accounting for 25%. The remaining was accredited...

The adrenals

Case 1 A 45-year-old man undergoes a CT of his abdomen to stage a newly diagnosed bowel malignancy. What does the scan show? What findings on a CT scan suggest an adrenal lesion is benign? If the CT scan is...

Andrology (2020)

Case 1 What is the diagnosis based on the blood test, and how is the diagnosis made? What additional blood tests are required? What are the clinical manifestations of this? What are the options / modes of delivery for treatment?...

Clear cell urothelial carcinoma: a highly aggressive morphological variant in the bladder and upper urinary tract

Clear cell urothelial carcinoma (CCUC) is a rare morphological variant of transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). It can occur anywhere along the urothelial tract and is characterised histologically by high grade carcinoma with an abundance of clear, glycogen-rich cytoplasm [1]. Alternative...

The final hurdle: the consultant interview

The consultant interview is undoubtedly the most important exam you’ll ever sit; but curiously even the best and most motivated trainee becomes somewhat fatalistic when approaching this, the most important of all hurdles. Gone are the days when deals were...

Purple urine bag syndrome

Purple urine bag syndrome (PUBS) is an uncommon phenomenon where the tubing and urinary catheter bag is noticed to undergo purple discolouration. This has been linked with urinary tract infections (UTI), chronic debilitated states and prolonged catheterisation. PUBS was noticed...

Edward Canny Ryall: the lost urologist

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the BAUS Virtual Museum of the History of Urology which is part of the BAUS website ( In the last article we looked...

Shared decision-making – minimising the mismatch

In Western countries, we are spoilt for choice in almost every aspect of our lives, but does that reflect also in healthcare? While we have taken some big strides towards shared decision-making with our patients, the age-old physician dominance remains...

A guide for the assessment and management of post-obstructive diuresis

Acute urinary retention is a common condition encountered in the emergency situation and is initially managed by urethral catheterisation. This is often performed by nursing staff or junior doctors. Post-obstructive diuresis (POD) is a specific entity which may occur post...