You searched for "erection"

844 results found

BBS Revolution™ bladder scanner

Featuring a wireless scanning probe with eight ultrasound transducers for fully automatic bladder detection, BBS Revolution™ differentiates between male / female anatomy, delivering accurate volume measurements in seconds. Simple to use BBS Revolution™ is for...

BBS Revolution™ bladder scanner

Featuring a wireless scanning probe with eight ultrasound transducers for fully automatic bladder detection, BBS Revolution™ differentiates between male / female anatomy, delivering accurate volume measurements in seconds. Simple to use BBS Revolution™ is for...

BBS Revolution™ bladder scanner

Featuring a wireless scanning probe with eight ultrasound transducers for fully automatic bladder detection, BBS Revolution™ differentiates between male/female anatomy, delivering accurate measurements in seconds. Simple to use BBS Revolution™ can be used with/without prior...

Overview of partial nephrectomy techniques: influence of technology

Traditionally, radical nephrectomy was the preferred operation for kidney cancer, while partial nephrectomy was reserved for specific circumstances and essential indications such as a tumour in a solitary kidney, bilateral kidney tumours, or severe chronic kidney disease (CKD). Given the...

Supporting return to clinical practice

There are many reasons for a clinician to take time away from clinical practice. These include parental leave, research, a period of ill health, a career break, or the opportunity to spend time pursuing other interests. At any one time,...

Goddard’s Dropps: a Paradox of the C17th

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( In the last article I told you about the world of the London...

Radiological appearances of non-vascular renal anatomical variants

Anatomical variants of the renal tract are common and, although often asymptomatic, may present with complications. It is essential to identify anatomical variants, as this may have an impact upon surgical planning and management. This article aims to demonstrate radiological...

Inguino-scrotal sarcomas

A sarcoma is a malignant tumour that originates from mesenchymal cells such as adipose tissue, bone, cartilage and smooth muscle. Although these tumours histologically do not originate from the urogenital tract, urologists are often involved in their diagnosis and management...

Reflections on 20 years as an Army Reserve doctor: live a life less ordinary

It seems a very short time ago that my predecessor recruited me into my regiment as a surgical senior house officer during a varicose vein operation in a cottage hospital in Stroud, informing me that I would be only the...

Early British pioneers of urological imaging

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( In this article I am joined by Gavin Gordon of Newcastle University whose...

Creating online medical videos

Equipment When starting out with creating video content it can be overwhelming ensuring you have the right technology to help you create the best content. The truth is most of us have all we need in our pocket every day....

Does stable or decreasing hydronephrosis on ultrasound lead to stable or improved function on diuretic renography?

Antenatal hydronephrosis is noted in approximately 1% of all pregnancies. Persistent renal obstruction may lead to progressive loss of renal function. Renal ultrasound (USS) is the preferred modality for diagnosis and monitoring of paediatric hydronephrosis as it is non-invasive, non-ionising,...